The figure seems important. Four thousand six hundred million included in the government’s maneuver under the heading “Infrastructure leveling fund.” And the noble purpose. After decades of delay, finally beginning to close the gaps in infrastructure endowments between the north and the South from the country. But the measure runs the risk of being only a “fig leaf” to promote the autonomy project of the north to the detriment of the south and, above all, of Rome, once again forgotten by the government in the maneuver of the 38 billion . There is no trace of the capital, and of the “important projects” promised by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in the 228 articles of the maneuver.
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The proposal
But let’s go in order. The equalization of infrastructure has been planned for years, by Law 42 of 2009 on fiscal federalism, which said that the government It should have carried out a “study” of the infrastructure interventions that will be carried out to close the gaps between the different territories and essentially give all citizens equal rights. Therefore, it should have checked the health, welfare, schools, road and highway networks, railways, sewage networks, electricity, throughout the national territory. And then make sure where there is a shortage, it is covered. Now, on the other hand, in the proposal of the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, in constant coordination with the governors of the large Northern Regions, the investments to reduce the infrastructure gap are linked to the implementation of the autonomy requested to viva voice. from Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. Ultimately, a bit as if the 4,600 million allocated became the “price” of an exchange: more infrastructure in the South and autonomy in the North. But this is an unfair trade.
For many reasons. The first is that, in the continuous acceleration and deceleration of the autonomist project, the government continues to forget Rome, a city increasingly in crisis not only due to the consequences of the pandemic, but also due to the political option of continuing to privilege other metropolitan areas , starting with Milan. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte had promised “an important project” for the capital and a new statute with special powers. But traces of all this have been lost. For Rome, only one table is set to coordinate initiatives for the Jubilee of 2025. But not even the shadow of resources. The capital, in short, was once again ignored. The second reason is that the $ 4.6 billion allocated by the government to reduce the infrastructure gap seems like a large number, but it is actually small. First, because these are sums that will not arrive all together, but little by little over the years. In the first year, 2022, the endowment is only 100 million euros, which becomes 300 million annually from 2023 to 2027, and then finally rises to 500 million from 2028 to 2033.
Lost commitments
In short, the 4.6 billion would be used in about a decade. Therefore, the figure is completely insufficient to fill the infrastructure gap. As is well known, the State has almost never respected the commitment to spend at least 34% of resources on investments in the South. According to the analyzes carried out on the territorial public accounts system, the infrastructural gap created by the lack of works only from 2000 to 2017, amounts to 44,000 million euros. Approximately 2.6 billion a year. It is clear that wanting to fill the gap with 300 million a year is like trying to put out a fire with a bucket of clothes.
Last update: 00:27