The most common questions posed by the new Dpcm and the answers of Fabio Ciciliano, Secretary of the CTS, on what we can do.
Can I invite a group of friends to my house to play until dawn?
It is strongly recommended not to do this. There is no law prohibiting it, but the government emphasizes that to avoid a third wave in January it is essential to reduce social contacts, especially during the Christmas period. In any case, it is not possible to travel from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day, as well as from 10 p.m. on December 31, 2020 to 7 a.m. on January 1, 2021, except for proven work needs, situations of necessity or for health reasons.
My father lives alone, can I have lunch with him at Christmas?
There is no problem if father and son (or daughter) reside in the same municipality. However, it should be emphasized that “grandparents” must protect themselves by filtering contacts with other people. Therefore, it is more appropriate not to bring the whole family with you. However, if you live in different municipalities, the answer is “no”. On December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, any movement between municipalities is prohibited unless the older person needs assistance that the minor must prove with self-certification.
Separated with an autistic daughter: can I visit her on New Years Eve?
If you are a resident of the same municipality it is allowed. It should be reiterated that it is always legitimate to move any day, even in armored vehicles, if a family member needs help. Obviously, this need must be demonstrated. You must carry a self-certification and provide “evidence” to law enforcement if you are detained. If the visit is not necessary on days when traffic between municipalities is blocked, there is a risk of a fine of 400 euros.
My son studies in the north. Can you go home before January 6?
From December 21 to January 6, including travel between regions, it is also prohibited for the yellow band regions. However, those who must return to their “habitual residence” can do so (last line of section 4 of article 1 of the Dpcm). However, it is good to wait for the explanations that will come with the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions and from the Ministry of the Interior. Obviously, the classic exceptions linked to work, medical care and mandatory necessities are also foreseen for the travel ban.
Can I spend Christmas Eve with my wife’s parents and Christmas with mine?
This answer also implies a premise not of law but of common sense: the epidemic is fought above all by reducing social contacts. So there is no specific prohibition, but rather what the government defines as a “recommendation” not to organize occasions for coexistence that involve members who are strangers to those who live in a house. From a legal point of view, the answer is yes if they all live in the same municipality. No, however, otherwise. It must be said that the curfew will always start at 10 at night.
My fiance lives in another municipality. Can you come to my house?
Regardless of where you live, organizing Christmas lunches and dinners between people who are not part of the same family living together is strongly discouraged. That said, if you live in the same municipality on December 25, 26 and January 1, you can move between one house and another within the municipal limits. What cannot be done in those days is to move from one municipality to another. The prohibition cannot be circumvented by the degree of kinship or affective.
If I arrive in Sardinia before Christmas, when can I go back to Rome?
Those who want to move to their second residence in Sardinia (or another yellow region) before December 20, 2020 must return after January 7, 2020. However, if you declare in the self-certification that you are returning to your usual home (which must correspond to the residence or address) you can move to any date of your residence. However, it is good to wait for the explanations that will come from the frequent answers (Faq) of the Palazzo Chigi and the Ministry of the Interior.
If Abruzzo is still red or orange, can I go from Rome to Ovindoli?
It will not be possible because it is not possible to cross the border of the Regions inserted in the orange and red bands. Abruzzo has experienced a virulent infection phase that broke out late compared to other regions and therefore runs the risk of being the only regional territory that, perhaps, could still be in the orange zone at Christmas. For those who want to move into their second home in Abruzzo over the Christmas holidays, this could be a serious problem. Except the ski lifts will be closed.
Can I order a takeout dinner the night of December 26?
It will be possible to go to the restaurant for lunch on Christmas, December 26, New Years Eve and even on Epiphany. At the table, however, you can only sit in four (unless the usual partners are more). Before Christmas, all of Italy, perhaps with the exception of Abruzzo, will become the yellow zone, so restaurants and bars may be open until 6 p.m. but they can do take-out activities until 10 p.m. of the Christmas period) until 22 we can go to pick up our dinner at the restaurant on the ground floor. Last detail: if you are in a hotel, New Year’s Eve dinner can only be served in your room.
On December 23, my husband returns from a trip to Germany. What to do?
Until December 20, the negative swab done 48 hours before is enough to return to Italy from European countries. From December 21 to January 6, it will remain valid only if you enter Italy for work, study, health, absolutely urgent needs or to return to your home, home or residence. Otherwise (for example, entry for tourism) it will be mandatory to undergo the quarantine period. In any case, entry into the national territory must be immediately communicated to the prevention department of the competent health authority. From non-European countries, there is always a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
Can I go cross-country skiing even if the slopes are closed?
Sports activity is allowed in the Yellow Strip Regions (as well as in the orange and red areas) but without travel limits from the Municipality of residence (which exists instead for the orange and red areas). And cross-country skiing is considered a sporting activity. However, the official areas will remain closed. It should be remembered that as of December 21 and until January 6 you will not be able to leave your region while on December 25 and 26 and January 1 you will not be able to leave the Municipality.
I spend Christmas Eve outside the Municipality where I live, on the 25th, can I go home?
Returning home is always allowed, in accordance with article 1, paragraph 4, of the Decree of the Prime Minister of December 3. Therefore, this peculiarity always allows anyone to return home on any date, even if the Dpcm states that December 21 to January 6 cannot move between Regions. The main house is the dwelling in which you usually live. However, it is good to wait for the clarifications that come from Palazzo Chigi.
Covid, Brusaferro (ISS): “This Christmas will be unique compared to the past”
Last updated: 22:50