“The alternative exists” is born, among those expelled – Libero Quotidiano


The group of five-star dissidents expelled from the Movement after the no to trust takes shape in the Chamber Mario draghi. In fact, within the Mixto group in Montecitorio a new component was born: it’s called “There is an alternativeAnd it counts 13 former grillini, but others could soon be added. The name derives from the slogan pronounced by the rebels in the Chamber on the day of trust, precisely to express dissatisfaction with the new executive.

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The former members of the M5, therefore, did not waste time and today, after a meeting in the Chamber, they decided to give life to the new component, in which they merged -as reported Republic – Massimo Enrico Baroni, Pine Goats, Andrea Colletti, Emanuela Corda, Paolo Giuliodori, Alvise Maniero, Maria Laura Paxia, Francesco Sapia, Arianna Spessotto, Rosa Alba Testamento, Raffaele Trano and Andrea Vallascas.

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It is not yet a party, but a “parliamentary side with which we intend to give modest and patient help to the construction of an opposition in Italy.” A political and plural alternative“explained Cabras. The alternative there, therefore, would be the only opposition force in Parliament together with the Brothers of Italy from Giorgia Meloni. And about the possibility that it is Alessandro Di Battista To lead the rebel group, MP Paxia is shown as a possibility. “Yours would be a very welcome support, if you want to lend a hand we are happy but we are in the front line in Parliament: we must show that we know how to oppose “. The final objective of the dissidents, however, is the presidencies of the Guarantee Committees, which would now all be the prerogative of Meloni’s party.”Not just surveillance Rai – Cabras admits – we would also like to say something about Copasir and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti ”.

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