
Everything is silent about the D’Amato scandal. What is the opposition afraid of?
It looks like the Bassotti band, the one from the Lazio region. They pinch them and they all shut up. Submarine. Waiting for the night to pass. And they trust the silence of the opposition advisers.
A councilor, the most powerful councilor there is, the councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, must answer for a good 275 thousand euros before the Court of Accounts that has followed him for fifteen years. But not a single word is recorded after the complaint that yesterday was on the first page – and on the second and third – of Il Tempo. No denial. Without demand. I miss the cemetery so much silence.
Funds from a non-profit organization to pay for the election campaign. A story that for the Public Ministry of Rome at least deserved the trial for fraud – a shameful crime for a politician, who should also check that others avoid scams, for example in health – but the prescription of the holy mother prevented the investigation penal. (Instead, I waived the statute of limitations and went all the way with acquittal in another trial. But it is known that we are not all the same).
Nicola Zingaretti should have suspended his commissioner from his post. So he must have thought that he is also in the crosshairs of the Court of Accounts for the construction of the Province of Rome and is therefore doing well. The Lazio region really seems to live the history of the Bassotti band.
But now the opposition to Pisana has to wake up. Because you don’t see the spectacle of silence in the regional council. And yesterday only the regional secretary of the Lega, Francesco Zicchieri, spoke with a clear position, at least he: “The vice of the current administrators of the Lazio Region of squandering public funds is no longer surprising. After the door of the mask and the investigation of the Court of Accounts for tax damages, Commissioner D’Amato should instantly resign, and with him Governor Nicola Zingaretti. It is no longer possible to tolerate that our Region is administered with such contempt and mortification from the institutions. Citizens, merchants, entrepreneurs have been waiting for months for answers and concrete measures from the national and regional governments to get out of the shoals of this crisis caused by the Coronavirus emergency. Zingaretti and his beautiful company, however, in all this time, have only thought about their own business ”.
Then nothing else. General silence. As if the Councilor for Health were an untouchable. Collective impunity, you might think …
Perhaps the councilmen have been thinking about doing controls all day. We hope that today they have concluded them and decide to distance themselves from the waste of public money to campaign. Because it is citizens’ money.