In 2011 it was a movie, in 2020 reality. Canale 5 aired on Friday, May 1 contagion by Steven Soderbergh (with a stellar cast among which stand out Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law and Kate Winslet), who preaches in practice coronavirus It literally drove Italian viewers on Twitter, turning the trending topic into an avalanche of comments between the ironic and the disturbed. Obviously, on social networks it was the triumph of “memes”, including what Gerry Scotti stunned and comment “OMG but talk about me”.
Many analogies between the film, inspired by a pandemic that was born in Hong Kong, and what is happening today: “overflow” (contagion bat Man with species jump, in the movie tied to a pig), hunt zero patientquarantine social distancing, underestimated by the authorities, the vaccine fever, conspiracy and financial speculation. And then mass graves and military trucks that carry coffins, red areas (Italy, even in this film, is among the most affected countries) and even that motto, “everything will be fine“which has not brought very well in these two months of nightmare.