“That’s why the strategy doesn’t work.”


Covid, in Veneto is a record of deaths.  The immunologist Viola:

“The Veneto It is the only region in which the “21-parameter strategy” is not working, because there have been no restrictions in Italy, and we start from a fairly high level of contagion. “The immunologist from the University of Padua said: Antonella Viola, intervened in Agorà in RaiTre. “It makes sense to intervene locally, where the index is rising,” said the expert. It is necessary “to maintain a line, we have equipped ourselves with 21 parameters and we must maintain them long enough to understand if the strategy works or not,” Viola added.

Record of deaths: 165 in 24 hours

In Veneto yesterday, December 15, 165 deaths were recorded, an absolute record since the beginning of the pandemic: lonly the Region had a fifth of the 846 deaths registered yesterday in Italy. Hospitalizations are higher than in March and hospitals are collapsing. President Luca zaia At the conference he admitted that in Veneto “the situation is heavy”, even launching a cry for help: “We are here praying for the vaccines to arrive, because it would be a ray of sunshine in this tragedy.”

Last updated: 09:57

