There is a red thread that ties Molise’s current healthcare difficulties to its peak: the rebound of responsibility. When something goes wrong, it is always someone else’s fault. If things do not work or have not been decided on time, it is because the programmer has no decision-making power. And in this chaos of more or less confused communications, everyone is disoriented because the effect of this permanent guilt is that if it is everyone’s fault, it is nobody’s fault.
But this is not the case: by publishing allowances and fees, we try to shed some light on who has to do what and how much public money they make each month.
The man on everyone’s lips, active on and off the net, more or less willing to answer journalists’ questions, is the Asrem’s general manager, the one who decides and can do anything. As we read on Asrem’s website, he is responsible for the management of the powers and legal representation of the Molise healthcare company. The general director -as it is written- is responsible for the overall management of the same, as well as for external institutional relations. It carries out its work -attention to this passage- in the context of regional planning and based on the indications, evaluations and proposals expressed by the local political-institutional reference bodies. It has autonomy in the performance of its mandate, identifies and distributes the human, material and financial resources, for which it is responsible, to be assigned to the various functions among the different structures. Florenzano is the one who plans, plans, governs senior management and management activities, exercises control over personnel, adopts regulations, issues orders, directives and recommendations through acts and provisions.
The lawyer came to Molise a year ago. To be exact, he settled at the top of via Ugo Petrella, in Campobasso, on February 29, 2020: just two days later the region discovered that he had his patient one (a 69-year-old man from Montenero di Bisaccia) and began the decline towards the spread of coronavirus infections.
His position, which was conferred on him by decree of the President of the Region Donato Toma, is well paid and identical to that assumed by his predecessor Gennaro Sosto: on 150 thousand euros gross per year plus provision for performance (20 percent of the remuneration for achieving the objectives).
To be exact, the maximum standard all-inclusive remuneration of the general manager of sanitation companies (according to DPCM 502 of 07/19/1995, modified by DPCM 319 of 05/31/2002) is equal to 300 million old lira a year corresponding to 154,937 euros always to the exclusion of any other planned recognition in relation to the results obtained.
And what are these results for which Florenzano also deserves a ‘production award’? The regional council always establishes them with its own resolution (489 of December 11, 2019) in which it sets the 14 points to be achieved in the first year of mandate. These are the main ones: sstabilize precarious health workers, reduce waiting times for visits and interventions, reduce passive extra-regional mobility, the tendency, that is, of many sick and discouraged Molisanos towards the regional health system (mostly public) to turn outside regional borders to heal.
Achieving and maintaining these (and other goals) is the reason why the lawyer Florenzano can earn another 30 thousand euros in addition to the 150 thousand of the fixed fee.
She was CEO of Asrem for a short vacation. As of April 2020 it is health director, an appointment that he received directly from the manager Florenzano (Resolution Asrem 169 of April 17, 2020) and is valid for three years. A considerable remuneration also that of María Virginia Scafarto: 80 percent of the basic treatment due to her superior (about 120 thousand euros gross) plus another 20 percent maximum (that is, 24 thousand euros more or less) “To achieve the objectives set by the Director General, taking into account the management objectives set by regional and business planning.”
what does he do a medical director? In the first place, it is a doctor who must be trained in health-technical management activities in public or private, medium or large health organizations or structures. He directs the health services for organizational and health purposes and dictates a mandatory opinion to the general manager on acts related to matters of competence.
She also has to accomplish a long series of goals to get the production award. In addition, given that it is an involved pandemic, Florenzano also established in his appointment resolution that “in addition to the above objectives, as priority objectives linked to the extraordinary and urgent needs derived from the ongoing pandemic, the planning and monitoring of the interventions and the obligations required by the state and regional provisions issued on the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency due to COVID-19 “.
To be your right hand man, Scafarto has a lot to do: he is an active part of corporate governance – it is always written on Asrem’s website – and he participates in the strategic planning and programming processes. Among other things, it carries out orientation, coordination and support activities for the heads of Asrem’s structures, with reference to organizational, hygienic-sanitary aspects and health protection programs. Ensures integration between hospital and territorial activity. Supports the implementation of the corporate principles of accessibility, equity, suitability and quality of services.
The other appointment that always corresponds to the general director of Campania is that of Managing Director. Same compensation as Virginia Scafarto (120,000 plus another 24,000 in bonuses) but different goals. Although he is also an active part of corporate governance, Antonio Lastoria directs the administrative services and participates in the strategic planning and annual programming processes.
It carries out orientation, coordination and support activities for those responsible for the company’s structures in relation to administrative, technical and logistical aspects. It contributes to the definition and management of the corporate economic-financial governance system and guarantees the technical-administrative function as a whole, evaluating the compatibility and congruence between activities and resources.
Last but not least, former Finance General Angelo Giustini, ad acta commissioner in a perennial “complicated relationship” with CEO Oreste Florenzano. His appointment took place in December 2018 with a resolution of the Council of Ministers at the time of the yellow-green government led by Giuseppe Conte. Cardiologist, sponsored by the League, became commissioner for the implementation of the payment plan and subsequent operational programs of the Molise Region. Simply put, Giustini is the man who should pull Molise’s health care out of the deficit.
His cthe annual remuneration is 158 thousand euros lyear to which they should be added other charges reflected They increase spending from the regional budget by a fair amount. We take an example of the recent executive decision 249 of last January 20 that settled the Giustini amounts referred to October 2020 and that are equal to 12,043.58 euros to which must be added another 1,024.00 euros of IRAP and another 1,927.00 euros of expenses reflected.
In short, in the end Giustini weighs in the regional coffers about 15 thousand euros a month, which at the end of the year yields 180 thousand euros of public money destined only to the ad acta commissioner.
His objectives are precisely listed in the CdM resolution of December 7, 2018. First and foremost, the implementation of the 2015-2018 operational programs as well as all the necessary interventions to ensure, in a uniform manner throughout the region, the provision of levels of assistance in conditions of efficiency, suitability, safety and quality, in the terms indicated by the Technical Verification Tables.
Without listing them one by one just say that The Commissioner ad acta is a kind of ministerial supervisor, a director, a general programmer of all aspects of the health sector with the task of indicating, delegating and recommending the concrete actions that belong more to the general manager who has more purely managerial tasks.
More in the shadows but no less influential Deputy Commissioner Ida Grossi. Giustini’s right arm, also appointed in December 2018 by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the Movimento 5 Stelle, was delegated to the vaccination plan, undoubtedly the most complex and important phase to get out of the pandemic. His the base salary is close to 135 thousand euros per year, something less than the commissioner to which are added the different positions that increase the figure also charged to the regional budget, therefore to the taxpayers of Molise.
In addition to Asrem and the commissary structure, the Molise Region also plays a key role in Molise’s health management. At the head of the health director Lolita Gallo who held various senior management positions from Finmolise to Molise Dati, again on behalf of the Molise board, until he joined the healthcare sector exactly four years ago. His work has intensified greatly in the last year of the pandemic: Gallo participates in the tables and is the regional benchmark in health. The remuneration tables on the Region’s website are still some years old, but the report of the Court of Accounts (year 2019 referring to the 2015/2017 triennium) on the average annual salaries of the directors of Molise caused a scandal: 118 thousand euros gross with an increase of more than 37 percent compared to two years earlier. A mind-boggling figure close to the annual salary paid to Gallo.