The end of 2020 and the first two days of the new year did not register a reassuring trend in terms of new coronavirus infections. Looking at the data provided this morning by the general director of Ulss 3 Giuseppe Dal Ben, in fact, in the last week the new cases in the territory of the company travel on an average of 500 per day, with the highest peak on the 31st of December (574), followed by 544 on January 1 and 532 on December 28. To date, the positives are 8910, for a total of 30 thousand since the beginning of the year, with 14,823 people healed and 943 deaths.
Ulss 3, 500 new positives every day
“These have been very busy days. – said Dal Ben – Positivity is great and I remember once again that admissions to non-critical areas and intensive care correspond to positivity. It is a record, that of the last few days, which we hope will not be repeated. Now we will see the effect of these days at the end of the year, which have passed between restrictive measures, but which despite everything have seen people move and meet.
Looking at the data from the latest Aziend Zero newsletter, there are currently 436 people hospitalized in Ulss 3 hospitals, 34 of them in intensive care. A figure that gives some hope in the short term more than that of the new positives: “Hospitalizations have a sawtooth trend. – stressed the dg – These days there is a minimal decrease in patients, but these are data that are not stable at all. In any case, the trend seems to be going down.
The point about nursing homes and schools
As usual, the special observations are nursing homes and schools. The former see a decrease in positives compared to two weeks ago, with 196 positives compared to 248 on December 13 (when the maximum peak was recorded), while for schools it will be necessary to wait until January 7, when the face-to-face lessons will resume at 50%, and the following fifteen days, to have a clear image. The fact is that to date there are 30 cases of positivity in the classes (1,187 in total since the beginning of the school year), 27 are students and 10 teachers. The positivity since the beginning of the year has generated 7,365 quarantines, which as of January 2 have been reduced to 301. “This morning, – stressed Dal Ben – after a long time we have registered zero new cases of positivity in schools.”
1000 vaccines reached
Meanwhile, the anti-covid vaccination campaign has continued according to the table: after the day of December 27, with 110 vaccinated workers, all hospital health workers and guests and domestic workers must be vaccinated before December 13 January. break. “To date we have carried out 1000 vaccines – added the director of Ulss 3- and the vaccination continues day by day”. Dal Ben then launched an appeal: “The vaccine allows us to go from a defense situation to one of attack on the virus. – He explained – The strong invitation is to take advantage of the opportunity since it is offered to the population to get vaccinated. We cannot miss this important opportunity to attack the virus. ‘