“That whisper in German …” Does Ares Gate have to do with that? – Free diary


With those phrases about the past to be addressed in the “appropriate places”, the boyfriend of Vesco Customs did nothing but feed doubts and suspicions to the Big Brother Vip. Having entered with the stated intention of reassuring his girlfriend, in reality this Giuliano seems to have sent some kind of coded message to his partner: his was an invitation not to talk aboutAres gate? Probably, given that Mediaset has caused a deathly silence about this story: in doing so, however, it has fueled the curiosity of the public, who have intuited that there is something as big as it is dark underneath.

To the point that even Gabriel garko was lent to coming out although at first he should have entered the house to talk about the Puerta de Ares. Among other things, Adua’s boyfriend, at the end of the meeting in the garden, put his hands in front of his mouth and whispered something in german in the direction of his partner: it is not possible to understand well what he said, but why the need for all this mystery? Obviously the episode caused a sensation on social networks, where it is thought that Giuliano may have made a reference to the production house that is located at the base of the Puerta de Ares. But for now everything is silent.

In that half hour .... GF Vip, hole in the direction in the middle of the night: never happened before, strange theories are being executed
