That own goal by Conte & Co. that traces Salvini in the polls


Economic crisis and migratory crisis, but also Mes, security decrees and Ius soli. And, obviously, the prevailing emergency causes a coronavirus pandemic. These are the files open on the government table and on these crucial issues yellow and red majority He did not know how to give proof of union and communion of purposes. So then, in the last polls post Regional fact, forces in support of Conteto trudge.

Democratic party and especially) 5 star movement The rescue fund divisions pay, but above all they pay for the inability to give clear and accurate answers to those millions of Italian workers – entrepreneurs and VAT numbers – who have been brought to their knees by the crisis triggered by the Sars-CoV pandemic -two. In the months of great fear and confinement, the consent towards the executive – especially in the figure of the Prime Minister – it has increased and consolidated.

However, when you entered Phase 2, something changed and the Giallorossi again played their difficulties in consensus. On the contrary, the forces of center right, they have returned to grind votes.

Taking, for example, the last poll conducted by Swg for Enrico Mentana’s La7 news, Matteo Salvini’s League registered, one percentage point more, at 24.8% of favors. Four points below the Pd of Nicola Zingaretti (+ 0.7%). In the black crisis, however, the 5-Star Movement currently led by Regent Vito Crimi: the pentastellati collapsed to 15.2%, with a yield of 0.8%.

Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia is stable at 15.8% and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia is slightly up 6%. Finally, Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva was also very bad, photographed with only 2.8% of the voting intentions.

The trial in Catania against Salvini for kidnapping for the Gregoretti boat case – the Prosecutor’s Office requested the acquittal of Carroccio’s secretary – turned out to be a new (another) own goal for Conte and the Giallorossi, who expected him to come out (a lot). otherwise. For the tenant of Palazzo Chigi, Pd and M5 it was a real nonsense, while for the political leader of the League, the Catania trial was a capital success.

But that’s not all: the recent amendment to the security decrees certainly won’t help the government’s electoral health. After months of back and forth, in fact, dem and grillini have rewritten the decrees, effectively reintroducing humanitarian protection for asylum seekers and reducing fines for NGOs that help migrants at sea. Last but not least, the content of the Def update note, which heralds a move of tears and blood to force Italians to digest: the fiscal sting is coming. Each man for himself.
