Alessandro Giorgiutti
The latest proposal-provocation of Beppe Grillo (“We can try, I throw it here, I’m crazy, I’m a comedian,” says the founder of the Five Star Movement in a video uploaded yesterday on his YouTube channel and posted on his blog) is creating a great “database where all data from Italians are collected and remain at the disposal of the Italians. We talk about “big data”, that is, information about everything we buy online, about what we look at and where we are moving. A legacy that is tempting for private multinationals and governments: Grillo speaks of it as a “new wealth” comparable to oil, and cites a study by McKinsey, according to which in the next ten years the flow of this data will produce a rotation. huge, on the order of $ 13 trillion. “I would like to know who has the right to access my data,” asks the comedian, arguing about the debate that accompanied the negotiations and the agreement between Tim and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti on the ultra-fast network, which is this is the main question, and not the ones we usually stop at, from the right of access to the infrastructure to the connection speed.
And as far as we understand, Grillo’s answer to this question is: the state. The state must collect the data of its citizens, sell it to companies that request it, and redistribute the money obtained from this sale in the form of services. But since the project is too ambitious at the moment, in the meantime it could start with smaller numbers and replace the state with a municipality. “Do we want to be citizens and not customers? Now, if it is not possible to create a database where all the data of Italians is collected, which is still available to Italians, we can try. I would like to understand if it can be done to a city, for example, like Rome: a database of all the Romans’ data (about the metro, the station, the airport, how they move …) in the hands of the Rome City Council. And every time a company Marketing wants data on the Romans, pays and this money is returned to the Romans. It would be a way to finance the capital of Italy without overburdening the debt. “
Without reference to the issue of privacy. In fact, there is a nod to the Chinese model. “The Chinese are dictators because they don’t allow the Americans to take the data from the Chinese? So, isn’t it a dictatorship of the Americans, or others, who “suck” data from around the world? What is the definition of dictatorship? You decide … “. Grillo also promotes the Tim-Cdp agreement for the creation of a single company in the network, although the promotion is conditional. Although the CDP will have the right to appoint the president (with broad powers) and give its approval To the executive director and the management of the new company, the founder of the Movement would have preferred a totally public company. “We were there, one step away from unifying the entire network, all the technologies, on a public road, channeling all the technologies, 5G , 6G, 8G, fibers, fibrette, fibrotte … we were one step away from doing it, and everything was thus in the balance. One more effort was enough. However, it is already a good start “.