Plans for Palazzo Chigi include an extension of the dpcm season until December 31 and a new “works unlock” to accompany the recovery plan. The Expo model to convince Brussels and the clashes with Minister Costa
There are those who will see the temptation to castling, the confinement inside the Palazzo Chigi, with sandbags in the windows, on this uncertain and hectic eve of elections; and there are those who, conversely, will appreciate the attempt to exorcise the fear of precipitating events relaunch on the government agenda. And finally, the political emergency, the one that gets entangled in the talk about remodeling and its various derivatives, in a Pd pushed towards Congress by a possible electoral collapse, by an M5 increasingly hostage to its self-referential paranoia (yesterday another three deputies were suspended in protest against Davide Casaleggio), in the mind of Giuseppe Conte other emergencies, much more concrete, whose management would justify, and in fact would require, the renewed compactness of its executive.
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