A exposed in the prosecutor’s office against Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The initiative comes from Varese, where Stefano Angei, a law graduate from the University of Insubria, will file a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office today: two recent measures are in focus, the decree law of December 2 and the decree of December 4. , which would be characterized, according to him, by profiles of unconstitutionality and not only. Another complaint will also be presented to the prosecutor of Busto Arsizio (Varese) by Simone Mansori de Sesto Calende, who graduated in March from the same university as her friend Angei and a practicing lawyer.
The desire to present the complaint arose from the confrontation between friends. “Even if we don’t fully understand the rules – says Angei – we must respect them. But we ask ourselves: is there a limit? When can a right squeeze others? We decided to do something, of change things, otherwise it’s just a complaint. So – adds the student, first to give the impulse – we think about the exhibition. In two weeks, eight hands, we wrote it down”.
Angei wants to clarify two aspects: first, nobody denies the emergency situation and the seriousness of the situation. pandemic (In addition, the province of Varese is one of the most affected in the second wave of Covid-19); second, it is not a political initiative (the student is also a member of the League).
In the text of the brief, the authors indicate the rights that, in their opinion, have been compromised and the possible criminal causes that could be identified, theabuse of power and theattack on the constitution of the State. And they don’t even neglect the way the provisions were worded: “Soot rules, confuse …”Read the complaint.
A concrete example of what is wrong concerns the limitations of circulation at Christmas and during the other holidays. “Varese province – declares Angei – It has an area of 1,198 square km, somewhat less than that of the municipality of Rome, which has an area of 1,285 square km. So my right to free movement is not the same as that of a Roman citizen”.