That cdm still blows that blows the storm


It is called for today at 6:00 p.m. cabinet who must decide the measures to implement during the Christmas period to counteract the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the hypotheses on the table is the return of all Italy to Red zone for the days from December 24 to 27 and from December 31 to January 3. But the government agreement is not there yet. On the one hand, there are those who are pressing for a total blockade for two weeks, while on the other hand they are thinking of a relaxation from December 28 to 30 and from January 4 to 6. On the other hand, Palazzo Chigi came up with the idea of ​​an “anti-loneliness rule” that allows him to spend Christmas with a very small number of relatives. Then uncertainties and tensions developed after the postponement of the CDM.

It appears that the meeting was originally scheduled for Thursday, December 17, but the ministers will meet tonight. What to do slip The CDM was a series of motives, from the government verification, to the meeting with Italia Viva, to the sudden trip to Benghazi by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, followed by the release of the Italian fishermen kidnapped in Libya. Uncertainties that, in addition to generating widespread discontent, have raised tensions.

Lega leader Matteo Salvini who, along with other Governors of the Northern League wrote and signed a document: “We are very concern because today, Thursday, December 17, we still do not know what the government will do, what will happen to 60 million Italians from December 24 “, we read in the text also signed by Massimiliano Fedriga, Attilio Fontana, Maurizio Fugatti, Nino Spirli, Donatella Tesei and Luca Zaia. Governors share “the anxieties and disorientation of citizens“, who after a week still do not know with whom they will be able to spend December 25 and other holidays. Here is a passage about the refreshments: “We reiterate the need for indispensable financial coverage to guarantee full compensation to all categories that may be affected by the government’s tightening measures.“Finally, the governors of the Northern League ask.”at least one billion funds to strengthen local public transport (essential to reopen schools safely), and certain news about refunds for commercial activities (Veneto loses a billion and a half just for the non-openings of the winter season). We are sure that everyone wants to guarantee Italians clarity and concrete help at a particularly difficult time for our country.“.

The executive’s suspicion, according to reports from the Corriere della Sera, is that it is a strategy developed to put the prime minister in difficulties, so that in the event of a third wave, the government can be accused of having acted in a partial and untimely manner. But there are those who, tired of waiting for the government’s decision, have done it themselves. It is the case of Luca zaia, the governor of Veneto, who has decided to adopt restrictive measures starting tomorrow, with the prohibition of moving between municipalities from 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 19. But not everyone agrees with the hard blow. For example, the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, is not, who explained: “Unfortunately for Zaia, the situation in Veneto is a bit worse than in Lombardy. I think we have good numbers, so we can afford not to cut further“.

However, no postponement, according to the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, who yesterday told SkyTg24: “Cdm tomorrow for Christmas measurements? It was already scheduled, we still don’t know the time. Between Friday and Saturday there will surely be. I am also waiting to be summoned and read the agenda …“.
