textbook, web platform and training. With Winscuola


WinScuola has published a textbook in digital or paper format for lower secondary and two-year high school students for Civics.

The volume “Civic education in school” is made up of the same eight topics provided by Law 92/2019 that reintroduces teaching as of this new school year. The text is the result of a synergistic work of the authors, teachers and professionals, with an ideal format for integrated digital teaching, by concepts, modular, multimedia and transversal, offering a valid support for both teachers and students to train students. new generations in Being responsible, active and conscious citizens in civic, cultural and social life.

The contents are developed with tweets, screenshots, keywords, influencers, timelines, webquests, playlists, posts, forums, challenges and concept maps, favoring a self-consistent use that favors interactions and connections for an active study with ideas for the most important subjects. traditionally curricular that may come from Civic Education, and vice versa.

The book is also extended to its own web platform, available free of charge to teachers who

They will adopt it, for a natural update and constant integration because the material (“not matter” as Roberto Maragliano emphasizes in his presentation) is evolutionary, never static, suitable for a network environment to be used at school or at home even by the students.

On the Winscuola website

More information, full index, list of keywords and a summary of the volume are available or write to [email protected]

From the volume index (AA.VV., Civic education at school, Winscuola, Rome 2020):

• Constitution and institutions of the Italian State (Vittoria Esposito)

• Institutions of the European Union and international organizations

(Massimo Montagner)

• 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

(Paolo Quadrino)

• Education for digital citizenship (Vindice Deplano)

• Fundamental elements of law, with special attention to labor law (Elena Rendina)

• Environmental education, eco-sustainable development and protection of environmental heritage, identities, productions and territorial and agri-food excellence

(Rita Pirozzi)

• Education on legality and fight against mafias

(Giovanni Rosso)

• Education to respect and enhance cultural heritage and common public goods (Licia Landi)

• Basic training in Civil Protection

(Francesco Leonetti)
