Test on arrival, three positive for the virus. Solinas launches the “Sardinia model”


“As of today, in the ports and airports of the island, we are creating an effective and free control system that, together with mass immunization through the vaccine, will be able to consolidate in a short time a ‘Sardinia model’ of great impact media “.

This was stated by the president of the Christian Solinas Region during a meeting with the tour operators. The Sardinian model, continues the governor, “will allow us to manage the summer season safely with the resumption of tourist traffic for the benefit of the entire production chain.”

Solinas also proposed to the Draghi government “to identify the island as a national test, considering its geographical peculiarities.”

THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT – Solinas also drew up a balance of this first day of controls that covered all the airports and four of the five ports, excluding Cagliari, where arrivals are not expected today.

At the end of the morning, 1,382 people disembarked: net of those in possession of a negative test or who will enter isolation before performing the swab in the next 48 hours, 597 travelers have been tested, an immunofluorescence antigen swab. Three positivities were detected, which will be verified by molecular swab.

CHESSA – “To relaunch the tourism sector, dialogue with the operators of the sector is essential,” said Tourism Councilor Gianni Chessa. “The white zone offers us a propitious moment to take advantage of to plan in a timely manner an adequate management for the next months, although we must consider the persistence of the health emergency. We must confirm the advantageous condition from which we are starting for the future as well. . “

(Unioneonline / L)

I video

The photos of the controls in Elmas

the area of ​​elmas airport dedicated to tampons

Elmas airport zone dedicated to tampons

(the photos are from the rise of the Sardinian union)

(The photos are Union Sardinia-Almiento)

