Test Medicine, protests in La Sapienza


Test Medicine, protests in La Sapienza

“The pandemic has shown it, even the limited number must be abrogated.” It is one of the slogans shouted this morning in front of the Sapienza University of Rome to protest against the limited number of Medicine. Today the entrance exam to the faculties throughout Italy. At the entrance of the Roman university, more than 4 thousand candidates are divided into different locations. Long lines of students with masks and documents in hand as required by anti-Covid regulations. In fact, the controls require one student to log in at a time. On the one hand, then, about fifty boys protest against the entrance exam, on the other, hundreds of classmates queue to enter and take the test that could make their dream of a white coat come true.

“The limited number is enough – explains Adnkronos Salute Lorenzo Lang, national secretary of the Communist Youth Front, one of the associations that today presides over Sapienza – The pandemic has shown that doctors and nurses are needed. The time has come to abolish the number. closed”. Another motto of the protesters, from the Udu (Union of University Students), is “let’s defend public health.”

“I chose Medicine because that is what I want to do in life – underlines Giulia, a twenty-year-old Roman in the first attempt to enter the Faculty – I agree with the protests, but if there is the test, it must be passed. Let’s hope well ”. Many parents who accompanied their children. “I am very against the limited number – says a mother – It does not make sense, luck counts too much. My son has been preparing all summer and I hope he enters ”.

GAUDIO: ‘NUMBER CLOSED IS NOT A PROBLEM’ – The limited number of Medicine “is not the real problem, the question is the specialization positions. The more doctors we train, the fewer postgraduate scholarships there will be. This only increases the training environment. The real problem, therefore, is to act” in specialization schools because the programmed number is present in all medical universities in the world. It is necessary to provide quality training, we cannot enter an indiscriminate number of people who later cannot carry out the exercises and courses: we would train doctors for those who do not want to be cured. “This was stated by the rector of the Sapienza University of Rome, Eugenio Gaudio, talking to journalists outside the classrooms before the start of the Medicine test and commenting on the protests against the limited number in front of the university.

“This year the number of places in Medicine has increased, from 10,000 to more than 13,000. It is a figure that the Federation of Medical Orders considers excessive ”, concluded Gaudio.

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