School competition: the date of the test will be announced shortly by the extraordinary procedure of the stabilization of precarious teachers For him paper his Common places me support for.
The official date of the test, or even the dates because it is not known how the candidates will be staggered considering that we are in a health emergency, it should appear in the Official Gazette on Tuesday, September 29 according to the progress of Huffpost.
Let’s remember that this is the extraordinary school contest for the precarious school they have at least three years of service, a simplified procedure to define what was the rather complicated process when the rectification followed the publication of the ad. To date, the oppositions dispute it so much that there has been talk of a postponement of the test.
The Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina has always stated that the date of the extraordinary competence test would be set in october. They should stay, but let’s imagine later, me too two ordinary competitions for primary and childhood and for lower and upper secondary.
School competition: the exam calendar
For the school competition the testing schedule It could be published on Tuesday, September 29 in the Official Gazette. The places for the extraordinary selection we remember are 32 thousand and the hiring of teachers should start as of September 1, 2021, but with legal effect as of September 1, 2020, therefore retroactive.
We said proof, but in reality, having been more than 64 thousand applications submitted To participate in the extraordinary process of the school competition, this will probably take place over several days, also considering the emergency of Covid.
As indicated in the announcement of the extraordinary school competition, which was later partially corrected, the announcement regarding the calendar of written tests is published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic – Fourth special series “Competitions and exams”.
The publication of the notice is communicated on the Miur website and on the websites of the Regional school offices (USR).
The list of exam places is communicated, with their exact location, indicating the destination of the candidates by USR responsible for the procedure at least 15 days before the test date by notice published in the respective Logs and websites. The notice has the value of a notification.
Candidates in the extraordinary school competition indeed who do not receive notification of exclusion from the procedure They are obliged to appear to take the written test according to the indications contained in the call itself, bringing with them document valid recognition, the fiscal Code and of receipt payment of contribution to participate.
We add that they will surely bring it there mask and most likely also a self-certification certifying the state of health as happened for example with the Medicine 2020 test.
Do not show in the day, site me Now established, even if due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, it involves theexclusion from the procedure.
Imagine that, as for the Medicine test for which no supplementary date was found, even for the school competition if a person tests positive for Covid or in any case in quarantine they would lose the opportunity to participate in the test. COVID-19 could be one of the aforementioned force majeure causes, but for certain we will have to wait for the Miur.

Extraordinary school competition: the test
The extraordinary school contest test has been modified, with the correction of July 10 to the call. Is always one Computer-based Prova, but it no longer consists of 80 multiple choice questions in 80 minutes as originally planned.
The written test of the extraordinary school competition for i Common places it is composed as follows:
- five open questions, aimed at knowing the disciplinary and didactic-methodological knowledge and skills in relation to the disciplines taught;
- a question, consisting of a text in English followed by five open comprehension questions designed to verify the ability to understand the text at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The written test of the school contest for the places of support for always for the extraordinary procedure it is composed in the same way as:
- five open questions, aimed at knowing the teaching methodologies to be applied to the different types of disabilities, as well as evaluating knowledge of the contents and procedures aimed at the school inclusion of students with disabilities;
- a question, consisting of a text in English followed by five open comprehension questions designed to verify the ability to understand the text at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The written test for English language proficiency classes It is carried out entirely in English and consists of 6 open questions aimed at evaluating the relevant disciplinary and didactic-methodological knowledge and skills.
Competition class issues related to remaining foreign languages, are carried out in the respective languages, without prejudice to the assessment of the ability to understand the English text at level B2 with the English language question
The test will take place computer and will last 150 minutes. The classification the total test is one maximum of 80 points and is overcome with minimum 56 his 80 As:
- Each of the five questions aimed at knowing disciplinary and didactic-methodological knowledge and skills are assigned 15 points;
- to the english question 5.
Five of the questions related to the written test for English language proficiency classes are scored with 15 points each, one question is scored with 5 points.
To know more details about the extraordinary school competition, in any case it will be necessary to wait until next week and check if the date of the test will actually be published in the Official Gazette.