The tranquility of a small town in southern Sweden, Vetlanda, was suddenly shattered by a 20-year-old who launched an assault on passersby, armed with a knife. And he wounded eight, two seriously, before the police shot him and then took him to hospital. According to investigators, it could have been a terrorist act.
The alert went off around 3 in the afternoon, after some reports of an individual with a “cutting weapon” attacking several people in the center of the town of about 20,000 inhabitants. In a busy area, close to the train station. The attacker, who according to local media had a knife, managed to hit eight times before being detained by agents who came to the scene. One of them shot him in the leg.
Initially, the police believed that it could be an assassination attempt, but as the hours passed, the hypothesis of a “terrorist crime” took shape. While waiting for the dynamics and especially the motive for the aggression to be clarified, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven condemned this “terrible act”, urging everyone to “send a thought to those affected by violence and to men and women from Assistance, Health, Police and the City Council who work to care for the wounded and restore security ”.
The government is in constant contact with the security forces. In Sweden, the intelligence services consider the terrorist threat high. The Scandinavian country has been attacked twice in recent years.