Covid also at the ‘Alterocca’ secondary school in via Narni, in Terni. As a result of the positive results found by the USL Umbria 2, in fact, six of the seven classes of the plexus, belonging to the didactic direction ‘Benedetto Brin’, were quarantined as of Thursday. Only one class, which has not had direct contact with the positives in the last 48 hours, will be able to continue the lessons in person. An element that, if on the one hand is compatible with the provisions of the health authority, on the other hand has perplexed more than one parent. “Perhaps there would have been more common sense in having everyone at home – says one of them – and, given the situation, proceed with the cleaning of the school. So that everyone feels a little calmer and since some spaces are shared among all the students. We think the period requires some ‘extra’ care ».
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