The barrels have flown, and what color, between Largo Ottaviani and Piazza Dalmazia. It was about one o’clock in the evening between Saturday and Sunday, in Terni. A rather voluminous and ‘itinerant’ brawl, as cases of this type usually are, which provoked the intervention of the police, the carabinieri and then the police. The protagonists of the event, however, arrived in time to escape to avoid problems. And the fact that there was no one “on the ground” suggests that the physical consequences were not serious. Thank God. Nothing flashy compared to the usual, it seems, and perhaps it is the most relevant data, in terms of security, that happened in those hours in the center. But.
“A surprising contrast”
The ‘but’ is linked to the reflections of the time, also related to Covid and which in this case are beyond brawls in the strict sense. “I still think that our restaurant, with the appropriate distances, is always safer than what we have seen all night out there, between kisses, hugs, minimally worn masks and badly.” There is a shopkeeper in the center speaking that now, like everyone else, must close in 24 hours (and the new Dpcm could tighten this measure even more). «I close at midnight after respecting what must be respected. And out there, it’s often chaos. There is something that does not return, towards us but also towards the schools that, in the face of this illusion, will surely be safer. Obviously, for a week, business and income have collapsed.
Curfew until the vaccine? Dejecting “
The ‘suspicion’ is that even that control, that generalized, shared and social surveillance that open businesses and premises represent, after the ‘early’ closings has come to bless it, leaving the field to those who now feel freer to do what that they please. «A center that becomes a ‘free zone’ without discos or restaurants? Yesterday (Saturday, editor’s note) night yes, of course. We will see next. Of course – another operator observes – even thinking that here we go to repression until the vaccine, it makes us sad. We would need a collective assumption of responsibility that, however, often does not yet exist.
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