A Terni 26 years old he lost his life late in the morning of the first day of 2021 in his Montecastrilli House.
Based on initial findings,the alarm would have been raised by his fiancee and some friends, after unsuccessfully trying to revive it. The young man will be Expired while I was on the living room couch, without having previously complained of particular illnesses. All 118 operators intervened on the spot and, in turn, tried to save him, but unfortunately there was nothing else to do.
Always what was leaked right away, at home there were no parents, that he would spend New Year’s Eve with some relatives. THE Carabinieri of the Montecastrilli station command, together with colleagues from the Nor and Amelia’s research team, to have the investigations started, coordinated in the afternoon shift. Death appears to have been caused by natural cause, but in all probability the magistrate organize the autopsy examination.