Not only are the Portocannone schools closed among the consequences of the explosion of the Covid outbreak in the ‘Villa Adriatica’ nursing home. In fact, a class at the Industrial Institute of Termoli tomorrow September 21 will not go to school because the management of the Institute has decided to suspend classes, only in that class, given the positivity of a parent of a student.
In fact, it is one of the 7 positive aspects of Termoli of the cluster ‘Villa Adriatica’. Unfortunately, after the case of the Rosano school in Larino there is a new suspension of lessons that is added due to the coronavirus epidemic.
In fact, a communication from Itis’ Ettore Majorana ‘from Termoli warned parents and students of one of Itis’ third classes that, as a precaution, children and teachers should not go to school.
Outbreak in the nursing home, the mayor closes schools in Portocannone. Health cord to protect the elderly: 21 in isolation