Teo Luzi is the new General Commander of the Carabinieri – Politics


General Teo Luzi is the new general commander of the carabinieri. The Council of Ministers appointed him.

Born in Cattolica (RN), 61 years old, married with a daughter, Luzi embarked on a military career in 1978, attending courses at the Military Academy of Modena and the Carabinieri School of Application in Rome. Since September 6, 2018, he is Chief of Staff of the General Command of the Carabinieri in Rome.

Graduated in Law, Political Sciences, International and Diplomatic Sciences and in Sciences of Internal and External Security, he attended the 117th Superior Course of General Staff and the I Superior Course of Joint General Staff, as well as, as Brigadier General, the 64th Session from the IASD at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies in Rome. He has a Masters in “Strategic Science” and “Global Strategy and Security”.

In the ranks of Lieutenant and Captain, he was Platoon Commander in the 2nd Battalion of the Carabinieri School of Florence, Commander of the Operative Unit of the Carabinieri Company of Rome – Piazza Venezia, Commander of the Operative Unit and Commander of the Carabinieri Company Rome – Center, as well as Commander of the Information Unit of the Carabinieri Group of Rome in a vacant seat and Head of the Command Office of the Provincial Command of Carabinieri of Rome.

As Senior Officer, in the ranks of Major and Lieutenant Colonel, he held the positions of Head of Section in the Logistics Office and Head of the Budget Office of the General Command of the Carabinieri, of the Head of Cell G4 within the framework of the Multinatinal Specialized Units “in Sarajevo, as well as the Provincial Commander Carabinieri of Savona.

With the rank of Colonel he held the positions of Head of the Office of Armament and Special Equipment and Head of the VI Department of the General Command of the Carabinieri, as well as Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri of Palermo.

As General Officer, he once again held the position of Head of Department VI, Head of Department IV and Logistics Inspector of the General Command of the Carabinieri, as well as Commander of the Carabinieri Legion of Lombardy in Milan.
