March and April were terrible months, we remember them with deep pain, but also with a strange regret for that sense of national solidarity, for that hope that soon, all together, we would get out of it. Instead, we are still in the tunnel, with masks on our faces and fear in our eyes. And the difference is that we are divided, confused, lost in a daily uncertainty that makes it impossible to decipher the future. Let’s face it: the risk of a new lockdown is real, but very little is being done to avoid it. There is a strong feeling that for some, even within government, a total shutdown is the most immediate solution, the easiest way to stop the infection curve and the number of victims. On the other hand, we must not surrender to this possibility, because we must be aware that the consequences for the lives of citizens and for the economy would be dramatic, even devastating for some sectors.
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has been repeating for days that the government works to avoid a total closure, because the country can no longer afford it. Sacrosanct words. However, never like now do splits and delays make us fear the worst and feel like a ball running down an incline, destined to end up in that metaphorical hole where none of us would want to enter. The numbers of infected, the emergencies about to collapse, the intensive care that is filling with lives hanging by a thread, the tampons that are increasingly difficult to make, tell us that everything is a matter of time. Two weeks, perhaps less: decisive days, which we cannot waste. The second wave has taken us completely and no one can guarantee that it will be the last. That is also why we must use every minute to ensure the national health system, stop the increase in this epidemiological curve. We lowered the tone of our voice to the cacophonous concert of controversy, accusations and recriminations that makes it impossible to distinguish the truly important words. And then we act. There are ten things you can and should do right away to keep the blocking ball out of the hole.
The rebound of responsibility over why buses and subway cars continue to travel crowded, well beyond all the limits of common sense and safety, has been going on for weeks. Is it the fault of the government or the Regions? From the Ministry of Transport or the Ministry of Education? There will be time for trials and sentences, now the hourglass is over and we must hurry. Now you have to reduce the capacity. The alternative is to increase the means by turning to the private sector.
Tons of energy was wasted arguing benches with or without wheels, but no way was found to stagger the entrances before the last Dpcm, which set the entry of high school kids at 9. The school should be kept open, but it should be better organized. It is a children’s right to follow the lessons in the classroom rather than at home, if the fear is the further increase in infections, for middle and high schools the mask is mandatory on the desk, even when there is a safe distance.
Red zones
Areas where the level of contagion and suffering in hospitals is high must be closed without hesitation. What happened last February in Val Seriana is the darkest moment of this pandemic. Replicating those behaviors would be irresponsible.
There is the restaurateur who closes and protests peacefully, but there is also the one who leaves the place open. There are thousands of people who cancel communions and weddings and there are those who do not give up the party with many fireworks. And there is no shortage of hotels that give away the night just to attract customers in the restaurant. Most citizens are making huge sacrifices to survive, law enforcement and local police must strengthen controls and track down those who think they are smarter.
The endless lines at drive-ins are not worthy of a civilized country. The agreements signed by Ministers Speranza and Boccia with the presidents of the regions to involve free-choice family doctors and pediatricians must be made operational. And enhanced with the use of military health volunteers. Tracing has failed, but since identifying and isolating positives is one of the weapons to fight Covid 19, it cannot be flagged.
The political debate seems to have sidelined the MES, because it has caused too many divisions within the majority of the government. But that three-letter word that gives 5-star goosebumps is worth 36,000 million European health aid, after years in which funds have been gradually and inexorably withdrawn from a crucial sector for people’s lives . It takes money and it takes a lot. Only by scrolling through the headlines do you understand how much remains to be done to strengthen territorial medicine, allow people with mild symptoms to be treated at home, and monitor RSA. As for intensive care, on paper Italy can reach 10,300 places, but not all are active and if the curve of the virus does not bend, there is unfortunately the risk that respirators are not enough. For this you have to take the Month.
The shortage of white coats is chronic and this crisis, which initially decimated doctors and nurses, has been fatal. Perhaps it would be appropriate to revise the rule which, even during such an emergency, makes retirement mandatory for general practitioners. Accepting the request of those who want to stay.
Hotel covid
It has been talked about for months, but the search for hotels or apartments remains a mirage to allow many families who do not have adequate space to isolate the positives during the quarantine period. There are several vacant state properties and private structure managers available to make them available also to cope with the economic crisis. Contracts must be signed, as was done to accommodate displaced people after the earthquakes.
Only in October the Prime Minister signed three Dpcm. A way of proceeding with jerks, as a result of pressures, accelerations and braking, which contributes to generating alarmism and runs the risk of weakening the confidence of Italians towards those who govern us. The rhythm of rivalry between the institutions certainly does not help, although perhaps it would help to broaden the view, open the door to the opposition and try to share the strategy.
October 30, 2020 (change October 30, 2020 | 07:04)