The new regulation for substitutes included in OM60 / 2020 establishes that short and temporary substitutes will be assigned by school rankings. For high school rankings we refer to the first band lists, already established at the same time as the renewal of the GaE and the second and third band lists, corresponding to the first and second GPS bands respectively.
Those who have not chosen schools before August 6 will not appear in the school rankings
The inclusion phase in the GPS Provincial Rankings and in the Institute Rankings this year was simultaneous: in the same application model, available on the Ministry’s website as of August 6, the province was chosen to compete for the GPS assignments and, if you wanted, up to twenty schools for each competition class, competing for the attribution of any residual GPS chairs, as well as temporary substitutes.
Those who have not chosen the schools appear in the GPS and can be summoned to the chairs on August 31 and June 30 to be assigned by moving them, but they cannot participate in the assignment of temporary substitutes.
With a note dated September 5, the Ministry in fact imposed a limitation on the sending of requests for making available “The requests for making available must be presented exclusively by teachers who are not registered in any provincial or school ranking and can be submitted for a province to be explicitly declared in the application “.
School Ratings Substitutions – These are given by school administrators
The educational institutions will summon the applicants present in the rankings and will verify their availability or non-acceptance of the recruitment proposal through the computerized call procedure present in the management system. Temporary substitutions are the third category of substitutes that can be received (after those of August 31 and June 30) and are regulated by art. 2 paragraph 4 letter c, paragraph 8 letter c and art. 13 OM 60/2020
Substitutes are awarded for school classifications valid for the 2020/21 two-year period. The 2017/20 rankings have been declared invalid and unreachable.
If the replacement lasts 30 days or more
The recruitment proposal must be sent at least 24 hours in advance of the deadline for the candidate to respond for availability. The director, having acquired the availability of the applicants, identifies the recipient of the substitution with reference to the order of classification in which each one is placed with respect to the others summoned at the same time.
How long to take the service
The alternate candidate will have to accept the substitution and this can be done both at the time of the call and electronically (depending on the way the call is carried out), the important thing is take service within 24 hours as required by current legislation.
How long can a temporary substitute last?
The school principal provides for the provision of relatively brief and occasional substitutions until the “last day of actual permanence of service needs.” Therefore, the replacement can certainly be assigned or extended (depending on the type of absence of the holder) even until June. But must the deadline necessarily be the last day of class identified by the regional calendars or will the Principal be able to include the ballots in the service requirements, thus avoiding the gaps in the contract, which have caused so much discussion in recent times? We will certainly continue to deal with this.
The extension of the replacement: ensuring the continuity of the replacement
To ensure didactic continuity, if the first period of absence of the holder is followed by another, or more, without interruption or interrupted only by a holiday or a day off from teaching, or by both, the temporary replacement is extended with respect to the same substitute already in service, from the day after the expiration of the previous contract.
In the event that a first period of absence of the owner is followed by another interspersed with a period of suspension of lessons, the substitute already in service is confirmed; in this case, the new contract starts from the first effective day of service after the resumption of the lessons.
Non-compliance and early termination of the employment relationship
If a teacher has no replacement and does not accept the temporary replacement proposal
• the waives a proposal contractual or its extension or confirmation implies, exclusively for totally unemployed applicants at the time of the replacement offer, or they have not accepted another replacement, the placement at the end of the third band ranking for the same grade for the current school year. (of course, this does not refer to the substitute granted with a possible termination clause based on article 41 of the CCNL)
• the no response, within the terms provided, any contract proposal for which the communication made by the college must be considered to have been effectively received by the recipient, is equivalent to the express waiver;
• the not accept a job After acceptance, it implies the loss of the possibility of obtaining substitutes for the same course in all school institutions in which it is included in the relative rankings;
• l ‘abandonment of service it implies the loss of the possibility of obtaining substitutes, conferred on the basis of the school rankings, for all placement classifications.
Teacher may leave temporary substitute for GI for substitute on August 31 or June 30
In this case the teacher will not be subject to any sanction. The art. 14 paragraph 2 of OM 60/2020 specifies that the teacher who is already in service as a conferred substitute based on school classifications has the right to leave this substitute by substitution in accordance with art. 2, paragraph 4, letters a) and b), then substitute August 31 and June 30 in the places available before December 31. Clarifications from the Ministry