Temporary assignments, if there is a spot available in a school, can it still be assigned?


Interprovincial Provisional Assignments: Did the “Games” End on August 31? Yes and no? And as usual, the lack of an unambiguous indication from the Ministry generates confusion and discontent among those who still have the hope of being able to obtain the requested movement.

In fact, we remind you that the request for provisional assignment is linked to compelling reasons such as

  • reunification with spouse / part of civil union
  • reunification with the partner (including relatives and relatives) provided that the living together is the result of the certification of the registry
  • reunification with children (also in the case of foster homes)
  • reunification with parents
  • serious health needs of the teacher derived from the health certification.

We are as of September 4. “If there is a place available at a school because the teacher has applied for and obtained a provisional assignment elsewhere, can that place go to the teacher who in turn has requested provisional assignments or does it go to an annual assignment? “

First of all, it depends on the date the place is vacated. If the place was free and usable for provisional assignments before August 31, the delay in operations does not justify the non-assignment.

But analyzing the situation of the different school offices, the situation is more varied than one might expect

In front of school offices such as Reggio Calabria in which we find adjustments and additions due to displacement, prior availability to 08/31/2020, of the provisional operations of use and transfer in the provincial and interprovincial context of the teachers of the Middle School 1st and 2nd grade of the 2020/21 academic year or Ancona, in which the 5th update for provincials has been reached, the Sicilian School Office closes the use of the places released after the first tranche of provisional assignments, arranged only the 31 August afternoon. An extreme delay, if one wanted to close well, and not foresee the recovery of the vacant positions on that same date.

“In light of this – write the Sicilian unions – we proposed the timing of the publication of the provincial movements to allow the recovery of the offices that were available from time to time. This solution would have guaranteed, to Sicilian teachers, the possibility of not having to go back to schools in northern Italy, especially in this period of health emergency ”.

“Therefore – they conclude – the transfer of the places that were vacant on August 31 and the transfer of them to the legitimate interested parties. A decision required by law, as well as dictated by common sense, which would allow hundreds of teachers to be reunited with their families ”.

Will there still be hope? Either for all or for none, clarifies the Ministry.
