TEMPERATURE, drastic DECREASE of thermometers in more than HALF ITALY. Here is WHERE »ILMETEO.it


Climate: TEMPERATURES, drastic DECREASE of thermometers in more than HALF ITALY. This is where

Drastic collapse of thermometersDrastic collapse of thermometersTime goes by worse in many regions of the country and, of course, also temperature are intended to undergo a drastic release, which will cover more than half of Italy: only in some corners of the country the environment will continue to be calmer, in a late context summer.
Let’s see in more detail what awaits us in the climate front in next days and especially where the thermometers will fall the most.

Already in the course of Monday Mercury columns will go down, especially on the western side of north where, in the city like Torino, we will have maximum values ​​that do not exceed 22 ° C (24 ° C in Milan).
Even in internal areas of the Center some points will be lost, while in the rest of the country the thermal image remains practically unchanged.

Between Tuesday and Wednesday we will see more discount on the whole north and next to it Tyrrhenian from the center. Torino will go down to 17/18 ° C, Milan at 19/20 °, Bologna at 26 °, Florence and Rome respectively a 23 ° and 25 ° C. On the other hand, only the South where thermometers you can reach the 30 ° C, but without going any further.

Decreasing temperature Alabama Center-North will suffer a temporary stop only Thursday when a moderate improvement in condition weather report the thermometers to win some degree.

But everything will change again Friday 25 when, to make the thermometers drop down, it won’t be just the arrival of a new one deterioration, but also the mass decline Cold air of the North Atlantic, which during the weekend will bring the first true fall chill across the country, thus decreeing the end of summer even in South.
