“As a scientific society we intend to underline the indisputable value of education for the future and the growth of the country, but at the same time we must promptly take preventive measures to prevent the reopening of schools from being jointly responsible for a second wave of Covid infections- 19 “, underlines Adriano Vaghi, president of Aipo.
Constant monitoring of the health status of Ata teachers and staff with hyssop, in addition to daily temperature control at the entrance of the school for students and teachers, with subsequent recording of what is detected in the specially created Digital Medical Record: these are some of the measures indicated by the Italian Association of Hospital Pulmonologists (Aipo) to manage the reopening of schools.
According to the Association, in addition, each school must make use of the figure of the competent practicing physician, either a pediatrician or a general practitioner, who acts as a responsible physician.
Pulmonologists also suggest the creation of class talks and official emails that ensure constant contact with families to ensure adequate health education and examine the emergence of any critical problems. Finally, they reiterate the importance of the three pillars of containing SarsCoV2 infection, that is, the use of masks, which should be avoided only in the case of significant disabilities, physical distancing, which, however, must take age into account of students, and continuous and thorough hand washing.