Turn your back on the president in charge Mario draghi “it means return them to the field“That’s why the M5s must.”stay at the table“To” give perspective to the country. “In the most difficult moment for the 5 star movement, on the eve of the second round of consultations, Giuseppe Conte has decided to intervene inassembly of M5 parliamentarians to reiterate your favor in participating in the next executive.
A speech by aspiring political leader as never before and that, in fact, drives the Movement at the forefront in the majority it seems willing to support the former president of the ECB. And this despite the fact that Conte has said, this time clearly, that he does not want to return to the government and that will not join the team. too Beppe Grillo, he revealed, asked him to participate as a “guarantee figure.” But he refused, because “it would be wrong”. But beyond that, according to Conte, it is essential that the 5 stars are in government at such a delicate moment, to monitor the Recovery and because it “fears the League” especially due to the bad influence it could have on environmental records. The M5 is “The needle of the balance” and he cannot “neglect the good of the country,” he said.
After the return of Beppe Grillo From the last hours and the governors openings, now Conte is also officially exposed for the 5 stars to stay in the game. The hypothesis is creating tensions within the groups, especially in the Senate where the resistance continues, and that is why Conte’s speech is essential to convince those who still threaten to oppose it. Only yesterday the former deputy Alessandro Di Battista he relaunched his “with Forza Italia mai” and the fear of the top management is that he may get support in Parliament. However, according to internal sources, Conte’s speech It would have received unanimous applause and consensus both live from Zoom and later in private talks by elected officials.
Here we are, late at night, in the umpteenth meeting to share options for the future of the country. He went through a …
Posted by Paola Taverna on Sunday, February 7, 2021
The last card to play before the start of the decisive week of the government was precisely that of Giuseppe Conte. Because the prime minister who resigns is the figure that the group trusts the most and that, until a few days ago, they were willing to defend until the end. Conte also, in his speech, went one step further and further exceeded the diplomatic language used by the regent. Vito Crimi upon leaving the interview with Draghi who had said that the M5 was “available to assess whether the conditions exist to be part of the government.” In short, there is not only availability, but the need to step forward: “This is not the time for self-isolation, we cannot neglect the good of the countryConte said.
But above all, he warned about the risk of leaving the field open to other political forces: “We have a mission, we are the tip of the scaleWe are the party with a relative majority that must make its weight felt. This is the starting point. Vito with the leaders of the group is having a very close confrontation, ”he said. “I am very afraid of the presence of the League” especially due to the use of the resources of Recovery. For example, “we must be vigilant and prevent others from intervening to decline the ecological transition in another way, making it a mere slogan. For all these reasons we must be present: it is difficult at this stage, to say that some we do not flip, but there are margins for which we can get there smartly“The reference is more likely to the resistance of the M5s due to the participation of Forza Italia and the Carroccio in the new government.
Then he spoke of those who already betrayed them once and of those who must watch their backs: “We have a great responsibility to the country, but let’s not forget those who collaborate loyally and who does it irresponsibly: we know who has turned his back on us and is now trying to get in to gain some advantage ”, he said again. However, there is a strategy: “We will try establish conditions such that some subjects can no longer remain at the table. Mom we, instead, have to stay at the table because we have to give the country a perspective and now there are no other different solutions ”.
Conte also used words of esteem towards Draghi: “The president in charge is a profound person: I met him in several senior managers and I appreciated him. It was he who laid the foundations to overcome austerity policies: is an interlocutor to take into account. Sure, some of you might have thought that the job could go to another: but now we have to deal with the reality of this historical phase“.
Conte’s speech, at this delicate moment, comes a few days after his opening to Draghi in front of Palazzo Chigi. And it sounds like a truly unofficial first inauguration as leader of the 5 Star Movement. It is too early to define him as a political leader, but the way is certainly open for him. “I’ll make sure to follow you step by step because you have given me so much“He said. A bit like a few days ago when he said:“ I am here for you and I will always be. ”On Sunday night he reiterated it and spoke of himself as an integral part of the Movement:“ You have the ability to renew Italian politics. and together we have contributed to renewing the appearance of the League and also that of the Democratic Party. And whoever stays with us benefits from our strength. For this we must be aware of our strength. “