Tell Renzi: “A colossal misunderstanding about the mission structure for the recovery plan. The final consent is always from the Council of Ministers”


For him parliamentary regulations the debate of Senate one piece was missing, that is, the answer. The prime minister spoke first Giuseppe Conte that stayed on topic, the Riforma of the Month. The prime minister then listened to the general discussion and during Italy Long Live I speak Laura Garavini. The head of the government did not respond and so Matteo renzi, who took the floor in the declaration of vote, sank the blow with the benefit of protagonism for himself, with the full applause of a large part of the center-right and the congratulations in person of their homonymous leader. League and head of everything opposition. Then the head of government left the Senate, waited a few minutes and, like his predecessor, packed agencies and television stations (it was almost simultaneously with both the joint meeting of the parliamentary patrol and the Bruno Vespa a Door to door) aligned the issues raised by Renzi. And the focus is this: the management structure of the recovery plan – which in the newspapers is called “the governance of the recovery plan” – “will serve to ensure the realization of interventions and avoid wasting resources ma the responsibility always stay in the government because it will work authorization of the Cdm“In short: the fears of Italy Long Live (but perhaps also from a majority) are unfounded: “Politics will not take care of it, certain times and speed must be ensured.”

Renzi does not like 300 consultants (“Have we cut 300 MPs and now we have 300 consultants?”. But Conte responds that “it is not written nowhere how many managers there must be, yet we need one structure to ensure the surveillance Gods construction sites and respect for times, it is absolutely necessary ”. “There will not be hundreds of technicians,” he guarantees speaking by phone with reporters. And in this regard, he adds that the number of managers has never been explicitly mentioned, although “reasonably” it could be 6, one for each mission.

An aspect that will not enter into the bill on financial maneuvering: “All this has an ordinal character and therefore will not enter into maneuver except in a specific decree law, we will return to this to confront ourselves in our own headquarters which is that of the government and the Council of Ministers, there we will find the appropriate formula. ”In summary:“ There was a colossal misunderstanding in the mission structure, which must have follow-up and it won’t take away your power and abilities to the ministries “.” There should only be one – he explains – saving clause in the event that central administrations cannot to intervene I exercise powers substitutes“.

According to Renzi Conte “will recede“, But it seems unlikely, at least not as clearly as the senator imagines Scandicci, Impruneta, Signa and Lastra a Signa. Surely the situation will stay cool down by the head of government who will leave for Thursday morning Brussels For him advice European. A hypothesis that theAnsa puts on the table is that it could be archived you are “super-manager” in charge of monitoring the execution, always maintaining the structure of the mission in Palazzo Chigi. The problem with the premier is that apparently the request to share does not belong only to the leader of Italia Viva. He, the head of the far-right coalition party, organized something cheeky, theatrical, scenic, in the Senate, in the explanation of vote not even with a vote of confidence, but in a resolution on a subject that is not controversial. But the need for greater participation from the diverse souls of the majority is not a need felt solely by Renzi who, according to the allies, moves as he has done on other occasions, raising the stakes and then obtaining the result. But there are also those who suspect that he is waiting for the end of the year and perhaps a somewhat better health situation to reach the final result. Januarysays an executive from Pd toAnsa, will be the crossroads: first you have to save the budget law, then verification will be unavoidable.

However, the credit came entirely from the discussion, including with regard to Renzi’s allegations. It has already been decided that in the text of the maneuver there will be neither an amendment on the governance of the Recovery, nor that a basis be created on the cyber security, that he doesn’t like P.S, born in Iv, né a part of the M5 (the accusation against the prime minister is to centralize Secret service file). “Renzi knows that the amendments there will be no maneuvering, that’s why theirs is just a show, with no real intention of separating, ”says a government official. And he adds that the decree-law on the governance of the Recovery, which is postponed at this point, could contain many new features compared to Conte’s original project, from the disappearance of the six managers, to the reduction of 300 consultants (it already dropped to 90) of the mission structure.

The first problem is now reopen comparison and how. And if it is really possible to do so, even if, especially at European summits, the President of the Council has become used to getting out of difficult situations. Conte should summon the leaders to talk about the new government agenda, but there is no sign of meetings at the moment. The situation is more complicated than on other occasions. Because if the first will of the Quirinale in the event of a crisis were really the return to the vote, the reorganization and the seat belts of the parliamentarians of Go Italy It would not be enough, there is not only the alternative of a reversal, which is the center-right with a piece of the center-left. There is also a third way, venture inside Italy Long Live: the same majority with another head of government. One thing’s for sure: it’s not exactly a good time for political alchemy. Of course Third republic.
