The concerns of these days have been translated into an eve in which everything has happened. To the positivity of Zielinski and the collaborator Costi, was added that of Elmas in the third weekly buffer, to which the azzurri were submitted at 8.30 in Castel Volturno, from their cars for fear of more infections after the arrival of the news in the last days of Genoa and that for days has been worrying Gattuso and the team, now almost resigned to an outbreak that has already begun. The results were expected to later return to the field for training, but even before Elmas’s positivity, ASL Napoli 2 nord, competent in the residence of Zielinski (who lives in the Varcaturo area) had already intervened for contact tracing that at that time the entire squad, the personnel and the employees of the sports center were involved with the request for home isolation: “They will have to observe and respect, also in light of the current epidemiological trend of Covid-19 – regarding the which the maximum attention to contain the spread of contagion and in the general interest of the collective health – fiduciary isolation for 14 days ”.
At that time, Napoli was blocked just at the time of departure for Turin. The same recently approved protocol mentions exceptions in the case of local measures and the Neapolitan club would have received – and a possible appeal will probably also be based on this – certainty about the obligation not to leave home with an offense that would give rise to crimes criminal. Therefore, the game will not be played, Napoli does not have a scheduled start for the day and due to the indications received they could not, so they are heading towards a 3-0 defeat that De Laurentiis will obviously face with the appropriate resources. The fear of the local health authorities, in fact, is the same as that of the club, Gattuso and the team, that is to say that we are going towards the same increase in cases that happened in Genoa due to a real outbreak in the blue dressing room.
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