Teachers, students and Ata with colds should stay home because of a Covid symptom –



What actions should be taken if a student has symptoms compatible with Covid-19 at home? And again: a school worker who has symptoms compatible with Covid-19 at home, what should he do? Respond to the Ministry of Health with frequently asked questions

Here are the responses from Ministry of Health, already reported in an article by our editorial team

The student must stay home. Parents must inform the pediatrician of free choice or the general practitioner and must report the absence from school for health reasons. In the case of suspicion of Covid-19, the pediatrician or general practitioner of free choice promptly requests the diagnostic test and communicates it to the Prevention Department, which performs the diagnostic test. The Prevention Department also works to deepen the epidemiological investigation and subsequent procedures.

In the event that a school operator presents symptoms compatible with Covid-19 at home, they must first stay home, inform the family doctor, communicate the absence from work for health reasons, with a medical certificate. The family doctor, in case of suspicion of Covid-19, promptly requests the diagnostic test and communicates it to the Prevention Department, which performs it and then takes measures to deepen the epidemiological investigation and the consequent procedures. School workers have a priority in conducting diagnostic tests.

The Usr for Lazio recently published a document with instructions to return to school safely. Among the various points are listed the most common symptoms for both children and adults:

The most common symptoms of Covid-19 in children are: fever, cough, headache, gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea / vomiting, diarrhea), pharyngodynia, dyspnea, myalgia, runny nose / nasal congestion;

The most common symptoms in the general population are: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of smell (anosmia) or decreased sense of smell (hyposmia), loss of taste (ageusia) or taste disturbance (dysgeusia) , rhinorrhea. / stuffy nose, sore throat, diarrhea.

In the Back to School section of Ministry of Education It is also clarified through a FAQ:

If a student or a school worker has a fever, can they go to school?
No. The Safety Protocol and the instructions of the Technical Scientific Committee provide for the obligation to stay at home in the presence of temperatures above 37.5 ° or other flu symptoms.

