The 2020/2021 school year has already begun, although not homogeneously throughout the national territory, in fact some schools already started on September 14, others have lengthened the start, because they were the electoral headquarters or because they are not yet prepared. to resume safely.
We have often said that this is an anomalous year, of concerns and uncertainties, where distancing runs the risk of replacing inclusivity and where in any case the entire school system appears totally upset and oriented to adapt the new rules imposed by Covid19. .
We know that the decree of the Minister of Education June 26, 2020, n. 39 Through the Guidelines, they gave operational instructions so that each school could design a school plan for integrated digital teaching, using the experience acquired during the closure phase.
The Plan foresees the use of digital teaching in a complementary way to the presence in secondary school. Unlike infant, primary and lower secondary education, the Plan will be adopted only in the event of the need to suspend teaching activities in the event of worsening of the epidemiological condition.
And yet even in junior schools the school organization is affected by changes compared to previous years, think for example. with staggered entrances and exits, at different times between sections of the same institution. These are just examples, the ways in which schools are organizing teaching are many and are intended to ensure school time in complete safety.
The organization of the entire school system and its operation is an operation that requires scrupulous attention and undoubtedly among the many activities to be scheduled is the weekly schedule of teachers.
Weekly service hours
The weekly service hours are regulated by art. 28 of the CCNL 2007, later confirmed by the new Contract 2016-18.
The aforementioned article states the following:
According to the school calendar of lessons defined at the regional level, the teaching activity takes place in
25 hours a week in kindergarten
22 hours per week in primary school
· 18 hours per week in schools and artistic and secondary institutes, distributed in no less than five days a week.
To the 22 weekly hours of teaching established for primary school teachers, 2 hours must be added to dedicate them, also in a flexible and multi-weekly way, to the didactic planning to be implemented in the collegiate meetings of the interested teachers, at times that do not coincide with the school hours.
Who takes care of the articulation of the weekly schedule
The new Contract establishes that “the articulation of the working hours of the teaching, teaching and ATA personnel, as well as the criteria to identify the same personnel to be used in remunerated activities with the Institute Fund” is derived from the comparison between Administration and unions.
Structuring the weekly schedule
Programming is usually done taking into account some important elements, such as
- teachers in multiple schools / segments
- part-time teachers
- need to use some common areas of the complex (gym, laboratories,)
- balanced distribution of disciplines throughout the day and week
- alternation of theoretical and practical subjects during the morning
- Time combinations indicated by disciplinary groups.
- rational use of all spaces
The “hours of the hole”
Some teachers demonize “partial hours”, also defined as “working hours”, as they often do not always seem balanced and evenly distributed.
If an hour or two spread out over the week is generally tolerated, a larger number runs the risk of becoming excessive as they add to the actual hours of service.
In this sense, we want to remind you that article 2107 of the civil code, which defines “working hours”, says the following:
“The daily and weekly duration of the execution of the work cannot exceed the limits established by special laws or corporate regulations.”
From this we deduce that all hours of work, carried out beyond those established in the contract, if it does not fall within the 40 functional hours, must be considered as an extra hour and therefore paid.
But the time of the hole is not the time of work, so it must be protected as an organizational requirement, without it becoming a burden.
Many teachers “amortize” this situation by giving their willingness to be used as substitutes during those hours.
Free day for teachers
The day off is not foreseen by the National Collective Agreement, although it is a practice that all schools implement towards the teacher. In fact, the distribution of the working day in no less than five days a week ensures the use of the day off, with the exception of those teachers in whose schools the week is short and therefore the day off is established a priori.
The teacher can express a preference, but the latter is not always satisfied. It is the director who finally decides the time of service and consequently the teacher’s day off, unless there are special needs, which must be represented in the Presidency.
By “special needs” we cannot refer to family management, important as it may be, or the particular propensity for one moment or another.
You could pretend, for example. reconciling service needs with those of the study. In this regard, the Ministry has issued a specific clarification for undergraduate students in primary education sciences, included in the II section of the GPS for childhood and / or primary school, who will be called to make substitutes.
SFP students – underlines the ministerial note – who have a fixed-term contract are, for all purposes, simultaneously subject to the educational obligations provided for by the career and the obligations related to the teaching profession. So, for those who have a substitute contract, it is about fulfilling a double function; on the other hand, it is up to educational institutions to operate with that organizational sense, capable of reconciling the needs of a good performance of the service (even more so, in the case of teaching activities) with the right to study.
The same could be said of students who attend the V cycle specialization course (TFA support).
The weekly schedule with Integrated Digital Education (DDI)
The epidemiological emergency has subverted the pre-established orders and this in some schools is also influencing the programming of teachers’ personal hours, since in many schools it is difficult for school directors to coordinate the day off with teachers according to expressed preference. where Face-to-face teaching alternates with integrated digital teaching.
The Weekly Hours of Service Guidelines say the following:
“Without prejudice to the weekly working hours of the teaching staff established by the CCNL, the director of the center, based on the criteria identified by the teaching staff, prepares the schedule of didactic and didactic activities with the hourly quota that each teacher dedicates to digital teaching integrated, taking care to ensure an adequate weekly space for all disciplines, whether the DDI is chosen as a complementary method to face-to-face teaching, or it constitutes the exclusive tool derived from new relevant epidemiological conditions. In the structuring of the weekly schedule in DDI, it is possible to resort to the reduction of the teaching time unit, to the compaction of the disciplines, as well as to adopt all the forms of didactic and organizational flexibility provided by the Regulation of School Autonomy “