
The mask at school you should always wear it, in the light also of the new dpcm. But not only that: teachers can change it every 4 hours if your workday actually exceeds 4 hours. These are the indications that come after the permanent national table, in which the AP also participated.
And from the meeting report provided by the national directors association, the indication of Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee.
In reference to the use of the mask at school, Miozzo recalled that the CTS expressed cunanimous agreement for the mandatory use of the mask during all school activities in presence, even with the spacing of 1 meter in a static context.

We know well that the decision to give up the “mouth rhymes” It was taken into consideration that at this time the epidemic curve is growing worryingly and there is a high risk of contagion.
On the other hand, an aspect to highlight, which emerged during the November 6 meeting, is that which concerns the surgical mask change: Miozzo noted that in health contexts, certainly more stressful for the integrity of the surgical mask, the same is changed every four hours. At school, therefore, according to the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, this schedule It can only be provided to teachers who have to do teaching activities for more than four hours.. Students, on the other hand, will be able to wear the same mask throughout the day at school.
What kind of mask?
We have already explained that you can also use the community mask, disposable or washable or self-produced, specify the new Dpcm, whenever it is lend to the purpose, adequately covering the nose and mouth and at the same time ensuring the necessary comfort for any prolonged use of the mask.
The masks are also safe for children.
In addition, given the concerns raised by many parents about the use of the mask, the immunologist from the University of Padua also intervened, Antonella Viola, which reassured mothers and fathers concerned about the health of their children, “forced” to use the mask in all school contexts from the age of 6: “The masks do not make breathing difficult – says Viola – because they are made of breathable materials that do not block oxygen. There breathing therefore it happens without problems, thecarbon dioxide is not trapped and the masks do not weaken the immune system and they do not increase the possibility of getting sick ”.