Teachers and frail ATA workers, the period of illness is not “infinite”, it is how many months, with examples


Back to school: the circular on fragile teachers and workers in Ata comes at the last minute: a complex path, which can end with three outcomes: a) Eligibility; yes. Suitability with recipes c. Temporary inadequacy of the fragile worker in relation to the infection

In case c) Temporary inadequacy of the fragile worker in relation to the infection, two solutions are proposed

  1. sick leave
  2. use in another job [la domanda deve essere prodotta, senza indugio, appena ricevuto l’esito della inidoneità temporanea]

The use must be explicitly requested by the worker, otherwise he must take advantage of the legal institution of sick leave during the entire period of validity of the temporary disability.

The period of illness is not infinite

Permanent teachers and ATA

How to calculate sick absences for teachers and ATA in office. With examples

Absence of teachers and ATA due to illness, contract on June 30 and short-term replacement in another center: how it is calculated

Here is the note from the Ministry with the application form.
