Drafting tonight’s training is not easy, either because of the continuous closed-door training sessions followed by Giampaolo’s choice to bring in some “rotation”, or because of the internal difficulties the team is going through. The first certainty is the exclusion of Sirigu from the start, Milinkovic-Savic will play between the posts, while Bremer will return to the field in the three-man defense, with Lyanco displaced to the center. In midfield, Gojak’s bid is strong from the start, rather than a sharp decline at Meite. Ahead, given the unavailability of almost the entire department, he is likely to opt for the use of only Belotti with Lukic in jousts behind him. The situation that has arisen, however, does not exclude the possibility of seeing from the beginning also Edera or Buongiorno, the latter very positive in the Italian Cup match against Virtus Entella.
Initial training (3-5-1-1)
Milinkovic-Savic; Bremer, Lyanco, Rodríguez; Singo, Gojak, Rincón, Linetty, Ansaldi; Lukic; Belotti.
A design
Rosati, Sirigu, Nkoulou, Vojvoda, Izzo, Segre, Meite, Edera, Bonazzoli, Kryeziu, good morning.
Ujkanj, Verdi, Zaza, Baselli, Millico, Murru.
Be cautious
Marco Giampaolo.
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