Task force Recovery, from Iv another threat. Bonetti: “Bellanova and I ready to quit.” Boccia: “They take responsibility for it”


“If I came to a break” in workgroup external to him Recovery Fund “I and Teresa Bellanova we would give him the resignation“From Italia Viva comes another blackmail to the government, this time through the Minister of Equal Opportunities and the family, Elena Bonetti. The party of Matteo renzi pull the rope control room government for him Recovery Fund, in which it has no representatives, and protests against the structure of commissioners who should supervise the projects to be financed with i 209 billion euros Arriving fromEuropean Union. And it is about threatening a government crisis, already mentioned on Tuesday directly by the former prime minister. The last push comes from Elena Bonetti, who Radio Capital says: “I would be ready to quit when I no longer had the possibility to fulfill the oath that I took as a minister. And this time the answer from another member of the executive, the minister of the Democratic Party, dries up. Francesco Boccia: “He will take his responsibility, like his party. “During an interview with Agorà, on Rai3, Boccia clarifies:”I firmly believe in the alliance between the left, the M5 and the parties that believe in it. who he no longer believes it assumes its responsibility. “” It would be one Madness to overthrow the government right now. The next step would be only the ballot boxes“Says the Minister of Relations with Parliament Federico D’Incà.

Minister Bonetti’s words come as a result of a series of provocations by the Renzianos that began over the weekend. A to break which in fact materialized on Monday morning, when the Council of Ministers that should have given the green light to the structure of governance of the Recovery Plan closed without final decision, also due to the positivity of the minister Luciana Lamorgese. But yesterday the tensions, instead of diminishing, increased, with Renzi at the Tg2 reiterated: “If things continue as they are we are going to vote against“. Italia Viva officially protests the workgroup of technicians who should Supervise The projects. According to the draft National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Prime Minister Conte, Minister of the Economy Roberto Gualtieri and the Minister of Economic Development Stefano patuanelli I would be at the head of the control structure of projects to access EU funds, which plans to use 6 responsible (one for each area of ​​intervention identified). The Renzianos feel excluded and do not want the 6 commissioners: the result is an agreement it’s still far and meanwhile the new cabinet Has been postponed.

The game of Recovery intersects with the vote of the Month in Parliament: the Renzians have announced their vote in favor of the majority resolution. A sign of relaxation, if it weren’t because while the premier Giuseppe Conte speaks to the House, Minister Bonetti a Radio Capital throw the new lunge: “If Conte doesn’t withdraw the assignment, maybe he would be ready to quit? I swore on the Italian Constitution which provides for a democratic process that must be protected and maintained. At the time when he was in no condition to respect this oath, not even out of personal conscience, yes i would be ready even to resign ”, says the minister of Iv. Who then insists: “209 billion means defining the life of Italians and Italians for the next 30 years and there is someone who should: his name is Parliament“. “I feel to the opposition According to the government? Absolutely notI have always worked to bring concrete and positive proposals ”, concludes Bonetti.

Quoting the party colleague and Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova. The person directly concerned spoke in an interview with Republic: “Conte continues if he does not rule against Parliament: we are not a republic founded on Dpcm nor in workgroup“.” That rule should be withdrawn. Design, implementation and purchasing power go hand in hand. If Conte insists, I don’t know what the other parties think, I know for sure that if the proposal is included in a decree law, Iv will vote against in cdmBellanova reiterated. “If, sadly, a budget amendment is surreptitiously submitted, force to a vote against the budget law“The minister threatened again.

Boccia’s response came immediately from the Democratic Party, after yesterday Andrea Orlando had tried to act as a peacemaker: “Lower the tones, weigh the words, involve and to include“Within the Democratic Party, however, there are also those who at least raise doubts:”Conte can’t decide alone, every decision must be participated by the Parliament and the government, and we must also involve the opposition in such a delicate step “, he says Debora Serracchiani, today president of the Labor Commission, speaking with Radio me too, its Rai Radio One. Specifying that “ministers cannot lose theirs attributionsSerracchiani recalls that “unlike other European countries, we have made a preventive step in Parliament so that Parliament could express together with the government the direction lines, Which will be six guidelines recovery plan. “” We should be able to spend under normal conditions, but – adds Serracchiani – I am very worried of the procedures that we will make available to you “.
