Alive italy stands sideways in workgroup, the control room with six government-appointed managers to manage the Recovery plan. The project is waiting for hours on the table of the council of ministers, but first it will be necessary to overcome the resistance of the Renzianos who only left the majority summit last night in protest. Also for this reason the cdm, initially scheduled for 9 in the morning, has been postponed for two hours. The minister of the South defended the structure in the morning Giuseppe Provenzano: “There should be a control room for the Recovery Fund“Said interviewed by Radio 24. This continuous background noise, the search for distinction for reasons of visibility are wasting an already fragile heritage and the controversy about dinners, about the inaugurations of 25 and 26 to restrict and respond to the health emergency, for one piece. of most I think it’s downright depressing. We already have Orban who is creating problems for us, if even someone in the majority for visibility reasons endangers this enormous opportunity of the recovery fund, it is not good ”. At the moment the green light for the structure is at least “frozen”: there will surely be a first confrontation but, according to the majority sources, the approval of the CDM is destined to slip. On the other hand, the green light to recovery upgrade scheme, with the allocation of resources for each of the six macro areas and for the 17 “clusters” defined by the plan.
But today was Matteo renzi, Interviewed by Republic, to contact the premier directly Giuseppe Conte: “It is useless,” he said, challenging the creation of a new structure. “We are against the method. This is not just derogatory – it’s wrong. We oppose the superstructures of hundreds of consultants who are in Recovery Fund how boaters are the income of citizenship. The future of Italy for the next twenty years is not written by Conte and Casalino at night in a small room in Palazzo Chigi ”. And when asked if Ministers Bellanova and Bonetti on the cabinet are willing to go so far as to vote against the governance proposal put forward by Conte, he replied: “I hope the prime minister will pause before voting on a non-shared election.“.
The minister himself Teresa Bellanova, Interviewed by Delivery courier, reiterated that before expressing himself Alive italy wants to evaluate the norm: “I ask to be able to evaluate the cards in hand for a week. Italia Viva is not available to approve a regulation on the governance of the Recovery that we are not aware of and that I have not and have not been able to discuss with our parliamentarians. Italy is at stake between now and 2030; no formulas, no consultants. For the same reason, I think a very precise discussion about the merit of the design system is necessary ”. And I add: “The idea to be implemented is not a technicalityIt is a substance to share with the majority, with all the other institutional levels, with the social bodies. When you have the honor of leading a coalition government, you have the weight of synthesis. If by chance the idea that there is an informed majority and a party that is not informed were confirmed, this would also mean the dissolution of a coalition ”.
But it’s not just the control room that shakes the majority. On December 9, the premier will appear in the classrooms for communications in view of the Council of the EU and in the majority resolution that Parliament will have to vote on, there will also be the reform of the Month that divides the 5 stars so much. Only yesterday the political leader M5s Vito Crimi He guaranteed the votes will be there, but discontent within the group remains. Provenzano Who wanted to reduce the controversy: “There will be a majority,” he said in an interview with Radio24. “The prime minister cannot go to Europe without a clear mandate from a parliamentary majority. In this case, it is not about using the Month, because that will be decided by Parliament ”. On the Recovery Fund working group and the crisis hypotheses for the majority divisions, Provenzano added: “Whoever assumes this responsibility will bear the consequences. But I think that all the political forces are getting along ”.
The proposed amendment to the maneuver to create the working group – The prime minister’s proposal, made in recent days and reiterated yesterday, is to create a control room policy that takes into account the balance of the majority: you are supermanager with surrogate powers to avoid problems and delays, supported by a team of one ninety technicians, who will have the task of supervising the implementation of the Recovery plan. Is the same workgroup that you should take care of choosing projects, about 60then ask for me 209 billion euros (between grants and loans) promised byEurope. Few “but good” projects, which are entrusted with European calls, explained the Minister of Economy in recent days Roberto Gualtieri. The wait is for one rule to be included in the Budget Law with the rules of engagement for the implementation of sixty projects of the plan. “It will be a structure of support for me coordinationOf administrations and ministries, which will serve to “help not expropriate individual spending and the functions of execution of the Recovery Plan,” said Gualtieri. “No minister,” the premier had assured. Giuseppe Conte, “Will be expropriated of yours boost powers and of speak to, as well as no local administrator will be expropriated of his responsibilities ”. The prime minister defended the proposal in recent days defining the mission structure of Palazzo Chigi as “a select committee appointed to constantly monitor the implementation phase. We will be part of it, the Economy Minister and the minister of Economic progress“So, at least according to plans, you are manager and staff with the “necessary professional skills” will have duties of “surveillance executive. “A different choice than Spain me France, who preferred instead to entrust the management to government structures. The projects in process, about 60, should “be grouped into 17 cluster“, Some” will be centralized, others will have one capillary size on the territories, “said the premier, explaining that he will aim to overcome precisely those” problems of previous date“That the Vice President of the EU Commission,Valdis Dombrovskis, invites Italy to face off.
On a practical level, the proposed governance therefore envisages a division between a political control room is a Technical committee. The first will include Prime Minister Conte and Ministers Gualtieri (Economy) and Stefano patuanelli (Developing). They will have to inform Rooms and the Interministerial Committee of European affairs. If the control room will have supervisory functions, the technical structure will take care of it. implementation of projects, with the aim of avoiding setbacks. The six supermanagers will be experts in sectors affected by the plan: will have surrogate powers to intervene where there is a risk of delays and after waste resources. To do this, they will have the support of about ninety specialists, who may also be elected from within the public administration and state companies.
The document on the distribution of funds – According to the progress, today the Council of Ministers is also called to vote on a document that will be sent to Parliament and, later, to Brussels on the distribution of funds. In the Italian Recovery, Conte said in recent days, there will be the plan to 750 thousand seats more in the Nursing schools, but also “a great plan tosocial housingGualtieri had specified. And then himhigh speed, Industry 4.0, the digitization of public administration (in which Italy is further back). And still there green transformation of the economy, which will absorb the 40% of the 209 billion Europeans, with the application of energy and climate plan with clean transports, the decarbonizzazione, circular industry, hydrogeological instabilitypromised the EU policy minister, Vincenzo Amendola, which will represent the link with Brussels. Amendola also cited the 110% bonus – under strong pressure for an enlargement already in operation – among the projects of Finance with European funds. But the prime minister stressed again that ample space will be given to “a vast program of energy efficiency, cabling and securing of public buildings, from schools me hospitals to which almost the 10% of Plan resources “.