Tari and fines with PagoPa? Sharp commissions for citizens


Tari and fines paid with PagoPa?  The sting is for citizens: the commission node

ROME The Public Administration renews itself and is committed to digital, but the costs of transformation are borne by the citizens. And if the benefits of using online platforms are evident for those who collect taxes and manage services, simplifying procedures and saving money, for taxpayers, on the other hand, it happens that the turning point translates into a strong increase in spending, without other advantages. , not even the time. An impression shared by many users who in recent months, for the first time, have been forced to pay tribute or a service with PaymentPa, the new electronic payment system established by the state to make payments more efficient and transparent. Not only to local authorities, but also to public companies, local health authorities, INPS, Tax Agency and Aci for car tax.

Until now, every administration did more or less what it wanted when it came to collecting fines or taxes. The agreements, and the costs, both for the citizen and for the tax service or manager, could therefore vary greatly. And if an institution chose only one channel, for example the post office, there was no alternative. However, what almost always happened was that the administration took over the cost of the collection. Since the government decided instead to force all administrations to use PagoPa, initially set for July 1 and then extended to February 28, the spending was transferred to taxpayers.

This is a few euros, sometimes a few tens of cents, which however in certain payments involve a very high commission percentage. And that, in any case, considering the volume of transactions -PagoPa expects to manage 90 million this year- they make a decent figure. With an average of 90 cents per transaction, but you can also spend more than two euros, you reach 81 million in a year. But by 2023 the goal is to go up to 350 million transactions, which for intermediaries corresponds to more than 300 million income. Commissions that are mainly divided into three topics: Sisalpay with the network managed by tobacconists, post offices and banks.

Inps, bye pin: maids and allowances, everything changes, access only with Spid

Goodbye to the INPS pin. The personal identification code used by millions of Italians to access the site and the benefits of the social security institution is about to be removed.

“The platforms have a cost – says Gianfranco Torriero, deputy general director of ABI, the association that groups together Italian credit institutions – clearly. Before PagoPa, the cost of the payment was borne by the Public Administration. Now it is the responsibility of the user, for the service offered by the AP, the perception is that the request comes from the bank, but in reality it is the Public Administration that no longer bears the cost ”. “Until 2016, taxes were paid in some cases with commissions and in others not,” said PagoPa. The citizen did not see them, but the costs were there even before. Now, from Trento to Pachino, everyone has the same system, the commissions are transparent and the taxpayer can choose with whom to pay ”.

In short, they insist, the system has just begun, it is adapting and there will be administrations that will make the citizens pay and others that will take charge of the commissions. Competition then, they add, will lower prices. Perhaps. For now you pay. “We are in favor of digital payments, also because they help to combat evasion”, underlines Luigi Gabriele, president of Consumerismo, an association that has received a barrage of complaints against the commissions of the PagoPa system. But they must be disintermediated, that is, the citizen must be able to deposit the money directly in the coffers of the PA.


An exemplary case is that of Tari in Rome, which has reached hundreds of thousands of residents in recent weeks. Until now it was possible to pay with the Mav bulletin, at no cost to the taxpayer, or with direct debit, always without paying anything. From this year, however, the Capitol had to adapt to the government’s instructions and transferred everything to PagoPa. Result: the administration no longer has a problem finding payments, which arrive immediately and without having to go to associate them with the person who made the payment. Sometimes objectively complicated operation. But the citizen who did not queue at the post office and was already used to paying with the bank via the web was forced to pay a donation that was not there before. Not only.

The 100,000 or so Romans who had opted for direct debit, now discontinued with the arrival of PagoPa, must also remember to make the payment. Operation that was previously carried out automatically and free of charge by the credit institution. In the Municipality, however, they are already working to create a system that allows you to pay directly to the institution, avoiding commissions. But the volume of transactions to manage in Rome is very impressive and will take time. The Inps is also an excellent example: before it assumed the cost of the payment receipts, but now the commission pays the taxpayer.

Last updated: 22:17

