New Year shock a Taranto. Two men, one older, one younger, and behind them a boy, lifting a large one fridge gray to the balustrade of the balcony, then the laughter of those who film them with the smartphone and the incitement of a woman who says: “Of violence, of violence”, to encourage the launching while firecrackers and fireworks explode everywhere.

And so down, the refrigerator slides and is thrown onto the street from what could be the third floor of an apartment building. It happened to Taranto on New Year’s Eve, Il Messaggero reports it.
The complaint comes via Facebook from Angelo Bonelli, exponent of the Greens: “Dear State Police, Police Headquarters and Prosecutor’s Office of Taranto, I receive this video from Taranto. I only publish this video because there is another, yes others, with a less than a gun or a scacciacani. These behaviors must be punished! It cannot be tolerated that decent citizens have to suffer these dangerous and violent gestures. Some believe that all this is legitimate by virtue of their arrogance and they shoot themselves with the mobile phone and post videos, laugh carelessly of who was down in the street. A shame. “

Last Updated: Saturday, January 2, 2021, 1:49 PM