The price is 22 euros for the quick swab. Not a euro more. This is the agreement that the Lazio Region has signed with private laboratories. An affordable and controlled cost in exchange for the possibility of providing the service. This is the test with the so-called tampon that, in 20 minutes, indicates whether or not you have the COVID-19 detect antigen. However, 9 of the 256 structures that have agreed with Pisana are not respecting the indications. That is why the reaction of regional health leaders began yesterday. The first step was to indicate on the Salute Lazio website the clinics for which the withdrawal procedure is pending due to non-compliance with the terms of the regional agreement.
The second step was to send a report to the Nas carabinieri. The soldiers of the Arma were sent to the laboratory facilities to verify the prices and the provision of the service.
The anti-sophistication core will soon produce the first information. For now nothing has been sent to the prosecution, no crime is looming. This would be an administrative matter. For their part, individuals defend themselves, explaining that the signed agreement is not technically a convention, but an adhesion: in short, the offices of via Cristoforo Colombo have their weapons reviewed, if not to eliminate the centers from the list of structures recommended. Which was actually put into practice yesterday.
Rome, the mockery of expensive tampons: this is how the 22 euro fee is around
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In any case, the offer of tests to detect Covid-19 in the capital is now a jungle, despite the goodwill of regional leaders.
In addition to the long waits to book an appointment, each offers a different type of service. The objective is to try to guarantee the cost for the client of the official 22 euros to pay for the rapid shock absorber to which, however, other services are necessarily added that allow the final price to be inflated. Those who adopt this policy claim to do so not to speculate, but because the 22 euros of the rapid antigen test would not only not guarantee a minimum profit, but would even lead to losses.
Here are some examples of structures that have invented packages: in the Flaminio area, the offer is 60 euros, which also includes saliva tests. Moving a little, always in the center, the mattress is set at 25 euros, the 3 euros more are justified as “performance costs” and because the result arrives in an hour. Another laboratory, for its part, has placed a sign at the entrance in which it clarifies that of the 22 canonical euros another 18 must be paid for the “cost of sampling” and “10 for the sanitation of the environments”.
A private clinic charges 10 euros more if you want to avoid the queue. Another private health giant guarantees the antigen for 22 euros only in one of its many structures spread throughout the cities: in the others you have to pay 60 euros, but you also have the right to the serological.
Meanwhile, the Sick Court has also sent a series of reports to the Region about structures that raise the price. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that other laboratories may be subject to the withdrawal procedure.
Now it will be up to the Nas carabinieri to verify the possibility of applying administrative sanctions. Carabinieri who, in recent months, have been working on various fronts. The emergence of the coronavirus has increased the activity of this nucleus. In recent days, also in Rome, controls have been carried out in the main emergency rooms to verify compliance with the procedures that prevent the spread of the virus.
Last updated: 09:46