
It’s not easy being the daughter of two of Hollywood’s most beautiful, famous, and envied actors, like Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. And it does not matter that your parents do everything possible to protect you and protect you from the intrusion of the media, which leads you to live far from Hollywood, between nature and animals. Because sooner or later, the intrusive shadow of fame and celebrity around you come to you and demand retaliation. They know it well Rumer, Scout and Tallulah, daughters of the couple.
I grew up in a wonderful ranch in Idaho, but returns to Hollywood in adolescence, at the most fragile moment of his growth, because the mother had remarried Ashton Kutcher and was experiencing the darkest period of its existence, made of depression and addiction of alcohol And the three girls found themselves dealing with a divided family, one mother son and the evil of those who compared them continuously and unfairly with their beauty, which “they did not even come close to.”
The result was that the three of them had to fight differently fragility and insecurities. Above all, it was the expense Tallulah, the third child. That more than the others, as a small age, he suffered the descent into hell of his mother, with whom he did not speak for three years, until 2014. And who had to deal with him drug, alcohol and eating disorders addiction that led her to become skeletal, outside and even more inside of her.
Today Tallulah is a person much older than 26 years. strong and confident of himself, which he found thanks tolove (from her fiancé from her family, reunited and healed, and the art she deals with) the strength to grow.
And in his Instagram accountTallulah recounts without shame or shame fragments the long and difficult journey that has made her what she is today. Recalling photos and painful moments from the past, thanking her current life and accepting herself for what she has become, including flaws and imperfections.
Tallulah posted photos of his physique still leanest, apologizing and explaining that he wants to gain weight, which is not a correct model for his peers, he publishes images of his face devastated byacne, mocking the fact that red highlights the blue in his eyes. Talk about dysmorphobia, who has been suffering for years. And she learned to take less care of her appearance, more her soul: “My confidence, which I have gained through long years of work for self-acceptance, flourishes of which I am most proud, my heart and my spirit“