The Prosecutor’s Office of Reggio emilia led by Dr. Marco Mescolini notified 26 people, including several high-level figures from the municipal administration of Reggio emilia, the conclusion of the investigations carried out by Guardia di Finanza on alleged crimes committed between 2015 and the 2017, during the first term of the current mayor Luca vecchi. Goes from corruption to auction interruption, from the falsification of a public document to the disclosure of official secrets. Among the suspects were a former councilor, six municipal managers from key sectors, the president ofSenior Services Company, minors and disabled, the president of the School Institution and infant nests. A first phase of the investigation was closed in July 2017 and then reopened after the arrival of Stir with searches and seizure of materials in the Municipality carried out in June of last year. the evidentiary file It is also enriched by wiretapping and environmental wiretapping, stalking and stalking, which made it possible to focus in particular on crimes related to four public tenders for a total value greater than 27 million euros.
The former commissioner under investigation is Mirko tutino, holder at the time of representation in Infrastructure, Environment and Mobility, accused of having disseminated confidential information while the tender for the award of important public services, from paying parking management to zone control Ztl at the service of share bike. Total value of the call: 25.4 million.
The most serious and repeated crimes instead involve two of the six executives investigated: the former head of the Legal Department of Municipality of Santo Gnoni and the director of the procurement and contracts office Roberto Montagnani, who is still in service today with the same position.
The entire investigation is inspired by previous investigations into alleged corruption carried out by attorney Gnoni who was also a member of the Provincial Fiscal Commission. In this capacity, he would have favored the positions of some subjects who received them in return. 15 thousand euros in one case e free jobs place the car from one to the other.
The first tender modified by Gnoni himself and by the other Montagnani manager, according to the accusation, refers to the entrustment of the legal services of the Municipality to two professionals and consultants of the Entity (also under investigation) for a total value of 60 thousand euros. In the ad according to the Guardia di Finanza Ad hoc requirements were introduced to make it difficult for other candidates to participate. For this announcement, the member of the competition commission, the lawyer, is also investigated. Paolo Coli. The counterpart of Holy Gnoni in this case it would have been free professional services from the winners.
A third manager, Alessandro Mareitato, responsible for the mobility service of the Municipality, is investigated by the most substantial call at an economic level, entrusted to the only participant in the tender, the consortium Tea, which registered among its associates the company Til srl, previously the Municipality’s concessionaire for the same services. Also in this case, the call would have been configured ad hoc to avoid potential competitors.
The third tender is for the management of the nursery “Maramotti“, Entrusted to the cooperative for a value of 1.7 million Panta Rei, after having declared illegitimate the economic offer of another company awarded the service. They are also investigated for this matter. Paola Cagliari, president of the competition commission and later director of the Schools and Nurseries service, the president of the Institution that deals with preschool education Nando rinaldi, official of the same institution, Tiziana Tondelli, member of the tender commission and external consultant.
The last procedure considered illegal it is the road safety and restoration service. A notice of 435 thousand euros assigned for three years (with the possibility of replication for another three) to Autofficina Corradini srl whose partners (the brothers Lorenzo and Vincenzo corradini) are in turn investigated together with the official of the municipal purchasing office Ivana ceccardi, to consultants and members of the commission. The adjustment of the tender in favor of Corradini was based on the need to offset a 2.7 million loan claimed by the same company from the Municipality, which had also taken the issue to a Council meeting in September 2016.
the sixth executive investigated is the head of the control office Lorenza Benedetti, accused of failing to report irregularities related to one of these notices of which it became aware. Those who had to speak up and report the crimes remained essentially silent. While speaking those who had to keep silent for professional reasons. As in the case of the two managers Gnoni and Montagnani who, a month before the transfer of the millionaire tender on school transport, reported to the Corradini srl which is not the case of participating since it has already been decided who will win.
The illegal actions also led to the drafting of minutes of competition sessions that had never been held. As in the case of the public call for the appointment of the director of the ASP who deals with services to weak subjects. The president of the public body is also accused by this story Raffaele Leoni and two members of the contracting commission.
Three of the six executives investigated (Montagnani, Benedetti and Rinaldi) remain in service with the same positions during the second term of Vecchi’s board, re-elected in 2019. The former deputy mayor of Reggio Emilia, on the other hand, comes out clean from the investigation Matteo sassi, initially involved in the appointment in May 2016 of Maria Teresa Guarnieri as director of the ASP, and the Cooperativa Coopservice, which had won the 12 million contract for the global municipal energy services service with its own spa. There is no trace of them at the conclusion of the investigation.
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