TORINO – The Department of Health and the Department of Diseases and Infectious Emergencies of the Piedmont Region have sent a note to health companies, general practitioners and free-choice pediatricians that updates and reinforces the indications for the use of antigenic and molecular tests in ” Assistance to symptomatic and asymptomatic Covid-19 patients.
In particular, some priorities are recommended for primary care physicians and pediatricians:
– in the presence of a positive person, immediately issue, by uploading to the Covid-19 platform of the Piedmont region, the isolation measure and, based on the information collected, organize the quarantine of close contacts also through measures cohort or group;
– ensure antigenic or molecular diagnostic tests to symptomatic subjects;
– guarantee molecular diagnostic tests to close contacts of positive subjects living with fragile subjects;
– Ensure diagnostic tests for the revocation of isolation measures with privileged channels for health workers, subjects who perform public utility functions and work activities not subject to suspension or intelligent work.
Asymptomatic subjects are quarantined (currently 14 days) without swab. The asymptomatic subject in close contact with a confirmed case that frequents or cohabits with fragile subjects needs a molecular swab to enter quarantine, which if negative will cause the quarantine to end on time, if positive it will go to isolation by default with separation for preserve fragile subjects.
Several automatisms are foreseen:
a) the NEGATIVE result of the swabs (molecular or antigenic) is also communicated by SMS
b) the NEGATIVE result of the swabs (molecular or antigenic) is also communicated via text message with a message of completion of isolation and predetermined measures
c) the insertion of the swab request in suspicious or compatible Covid subjects automatically generates the fiduciary isolation measure, which is also communicated via text message
d) the insertion of close contacts automatically generates the quarantine measure, which is also communicated via sms
e) the insertion by the laboratories or doctors of the positive results automatically entails the default disposition issued by the CSI platform with the acquisition of the protocol number, also useful for INPS purposes;
f) if the buffer mentioned in point c gives a negative result, the fiduciary isolation of the suspect or compatible with Covid and the quarantine of close contacts are automatically revoked.