Swabs to friends of friends? In Cancellara, the family doctor presents a complaint to the police.


“Because of this story I don’t sleep at night.” Dr. Rocchina Caterini, general practitioner in Cancellara (Potenza), presented a complaint to the carabinieri to find out how the 50 antigen tests acquired by the City Council were used. We contact you so that we can explain the reasons for your complaint.

Doctor, can you explain what happened?

In the last few days I was contacted by one of my clients, positive for covid, the father of a child with severe bronchopneumopathy. Concerned that his son might have caught Covid, he asked me to step in to verify this possibility. I told him that I would do an antigen test since the Municipality had bought 50. Last Saturday the Municipality brought the test to that child and the next day I went to administer it. Meanwhile, on Saturday night, I had received antigen tests from a patient of mine who gave them to me. When I told this to the child’s mother, she asked me if she could use one of my tests to reserve the one that the Municipality sent to other relatives.

However, I asked to see the test that the Municipality had brought and to my great surprise I realized that it was serological and not antigenic. It was one of those serological tests purchased between February and March, among other things without the buffer (reagent), the lancing device and the aspirator pipette. However, that test would not have helped, because the serological reaction occurs when the infection has passed, I needed to see if the child had the covid and could only see it with the antigen. At that point I decided that I should file a complaint with the carabinieri, which I did.

But why didn’t the city send the antigen test?

In my opinion because I had consumed them.


I suppose so, since the same day I made the complaint, the mayor made a new resolution to buy another 20 antigen tests.

And in your opinion, what happened to the 50 tests already purchased?

They have been used for the intelligentsia, while ordinary people have to get by.

So, at the discretion of the municipality? What you are saying is very serious.

Of course, otherwise he would not have reported. But I’ll tell you more: the antigen tests were administered by a nurse related to the mayor. Even if it is correct, I, the treating physician, must know, I must give instructions.

Why were you not involved in administering the antigen tests?

I don’t know this. I tell you what has happened since the first phase of the pandemic. The mayor of Cancellara at the beginning of the pandemic, at my insistence, bought serological tests. Not much was known about this virus at the time and, among other things, serological tests that I thought might help. I practically handled those tests, so my clients had to go to the Municipality to request them, in some cases even negative. But I held on.

Always during the first wave, in March the mayor asked me to sign an application for diagnostic aids and personal protective equipment to carry out the service. I shared those requests, of course, and signed. About a month ago, without having received any response and without having received any material, and with the resumption of infections, I wrote a letter to the Municipality in which I asked for an explanation about that request, but I never received a response. About 15 days ago one of my clients informed me that the mayor had requested the purchase of 50 rapid antigen tests. In fact, the mayor’s resolution establishes that to counteract the second wave of the pandemic it is necessary “Proceed to the purchase of specific health aids for the assessment of positive Covid 19 cases, previously identified by the general practitioner who operates in the municipality of Cancellara, so that the purchase of said aids is non-delegable and urgent

Anything good then?
Of course, that doctor alone has 1200 patients, and he should know how they are used.

And instead?

No. What I do know is that they were administered to patients who were not placed on the ASP platform and, in at least one case, to a patient who was instead placed on the platform and was waiting for the ASP to perform a swab to loosen quarantine. This is equally serious if we consider what the protocol provides in these cases.

But then, would a sponsorship system have been put in place to have the antigenic pad?
Exact. It was carried out both to people in quarantine and to relatives who were not in quarantine. For example, the grandmothers of a nurse who tested positive who had a swab done at the hospital. All 50 tests had been purchased because the GP had to decide who to administer them to. On the other hand, I made them with those that a patient had given me. I want to know how these tests were done, who reported them, who evaluated them, and how detection occurred during administration. I hope that the competent people want to clarify this matter.

Here the complaint


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