According to many experts, buffer fever is one of the main causes of congestion in an increasingly deteriorated monitoring process. The appeal for slowing down the rush to detection comes from several fronts. From family doctors and public and private centers – it is warned – the Covid-19 swab as a preventive monitoring tool can no longer be considered a strategy, especially in the face of an exponential increase in new cases. As a result of these considerations, also the latest statements of the member of the Scientific Technical Committee (Cts) Luca Richeldi, who Agora, in Rai 3, was in favor of reducing molecular tests.
“Making swabs only for asymptomatic patients should certainly not be considered a surrender,” said the pulmonologist, commenting on the opinion of a group of Sapienza physicists, opposed to the reduction of tests. The hypothesis of reforming the modalities of contact tracking It was advanced by the Regions, with increasing difficulty in monitoring infections, and now it also has the support of the exponent of the CTS. “A person who sneezes, coughs and has a fever has a greater spread of the virus to the people around them,” Richeldi continued, referring to the possibility of tracking only symptoms.
The altolà of the Cts
A clear position that, however, does not seem to be shared by the entire Scientific Technical Committee. To underline this are some sources from the same CTS that, in recent hours, have tried to reiterate that “neither the Minister of Health Speranza nor the Scientific Technical Committee have questioned, at least until today, the need to perform swabs from asymptomatic subjects.” . The sources also argue the absence of a current difficulty in the availability of tests and that the obstacles are due exclusively to “organizational and management methods that cannot keep up with the expected number of swabs”.
In addition to the director of the Pulmonology Unit of the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, Professor Francesco Vaia is also at the forefront of pro-tampon reduction. Director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases of Spallanzani in Rome, Vaia has been at the forefront of the fight against the virus since the beginning of the pandemic. “We need specific buffers,” he said, “otherwise there is great chaos.” According to Sapienza experts, with the reduction of the tests the 43.5% positive cases, as indicated by the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health (Iss). But for Professor Vaia, “the period before contact and the tampon” only generates “stress, without results in blocking the epidemic.”
To better explain the concept, the director of Spallanzani makes a comparison with what happened immediately after the summer, when it was understood that the infection came from returning from vacation. “We intervened with controls on who used the means of transport to travel, planes, trains, ships,” said Vaia, underlining how this approach has brought its positive effects to stop the spread. No to the policy of generalized tampons also for Vaia, therefore, which urges the health system to adopt more focused criteria: “It is useless to pursue a chain that we can never interrupt.”
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