Swabs in the car at the new anti-Covid service center


And tampons drive-through (that is, without leaving the car) and the other sanitary services provided in the Brixia Forum have their days numbered: the site must be released before September 25 and, in parallel, two tensile structures will be built in the area of ​​via Morelli that usually houses the amusement park and the circus tents. diagnostic center COVID-19 that provides home services today in the Fairgrounds and, potentially, much more, in line with the future needs of the area.

“The preparation takes seventeen days of work, we don’t have much time,” says Massimo Lombardo, CEO of Asst Spedali Civili. Lombardo calls and Let’s help Brescia Answers: the fundraising of our newspaper and the Brescia Community Foundation, which reached almost 18 million euros, financially supports this maxi operation for a year by allocating 350 thousand euros. In detail, the health services provided these days (swabs in cars, serological tests for teachers …) at the Brixia Forum must be completed before the 25th. The municipality, Ats Brescia, Asst Spedali Civili and AIDS AMObrescia have looked for a solution. The result? Create a “Territorial Center Covid-19” in the area made available free of charge by the Loggia.

A diagnostic center that exploits the organizational and management model of the Brixia Forum and that is structured to accommodate a possible integration of activities in the event of a resurgence of the coronavirus in the autumn. In fact, it is likely that in October, with the circulation of parainfluenza viruses, there will be an increase in tampon request. Hence the need to immediately think of an organization that, through differential diagnosis, allows the early detection of Covid-19 cases and distinguishes them from parainfluenza and flu syndromes. All of this avoiding inadequate access to hospitals.

The via Morelli center will consist of two traction structures. The one who has quattro linee drive through for tampons. The other with two waiting rooms separate e eight hot surgeries (one for the pediatric area, one for emergencies, two for visits by doctors from Usca, one for material and equipment, three for flexible use for vaccinations, Pap smears, blood samples or to integrate spaces for visits).

The new “Covid-19 territorial center” will be operational as of September 28 with drive-through lines for tampons and from 29 with external offices.