Swabs in schools, the ASP announces the calendar: here are the institutions involved


After Orlando’s “preparation” (“You need a timely detection plan in schools”), Asp’s response arrives “on time”. Ten teams participated daily in the schools with an average of approximately 2,000 quick buffers per day. This screening program created by the provincial health agency that, through the 10 Usca established 4 days ago, will involve primary and secondary schools. “After having subjected the contracted physicians and dedicated staff to a molecular swab, as well as having trained and trained each team involved in the area – read a note – thanks to the full and valuable collaboration of the school directors , the first intervention program was developed “.

Each team will be equipped with a car and will be composed of 3 doctors, supplemented by another 2 units of personnel. To support all the activity, also the programmers and administrative operators involved in the collection and processing of data. “On the basis of the fruitful collaboration initiated both with the municipal administrations and with the school directors already before the beginning of the school year on the occasion of the serological tests to the teachers – underlined the general director of the ASP of Palermo, Daniela Faraoni – Creé a program that will allow us to continue and expand an activity starting tomorrow that has already enabled us to swab some 5,000 students, teachers and non-teaching staff in the last month. The activity of 10 Usca dedicated exclusively to schools now allows us to plan a continuous and constant action that will provide us with a complete panorama both in the city and in the province ”.

“An enormous effort – continues the person in charge of ASP – that we achieved thanks to the sharing of the project with the school leaders to whom we thank all that activity, foreseen by the protocols, preparatory and essential for carrying out the screening in schools. Finally, it is good to remember that in the city the drive in at the Mediterranean Fair is always in operation, seven days a week, which, since its activation on October 30, has always been dedicated to the school world. At the school level, drive-ins organized in Monreale, Bagheria, Termini Imerese and Castelbuono were dedicated. The numbers of this capillary activity are eloquent: 23,404 swabs performed and 1,742 positive “.

The Municipality-Asp meeting

Meanwhile, this morning a meeting was held, via videoconference, to verify the cases of positivity to Covid-19 within the entire school population of the municipality of Palermo. The meeting was attended by the councilor of the Giovanna Marano school, Silvana Camerino representing the Usca of the Asp Prevention district of Palermo, Renato Costa, the extraordinary commissioner Covid Palermo, the director of the regional office of the Sicily school, Stefano Suraniti, the manager of the Usr Sicilia Marco Anello, Marianna Fiasconaro, head of the School Department.

“The municipal administration takes note of the commitment formalized by the provincial health authority on the activation of mass screening in schools – says Giovanna Marano – and will evaluate in the coming days whether the objectives set can be achieved within the established deadlines.” The Mayor reiterated that “the execution of a monitoring of the school population, the constant updating of data on the situation of the health system in the territory and the operation of territorial medicine and prevention are fundamental elements so that all daily activities continue with serenity in the city ”and reiterated that the Municipality“ is available to support the work of the ASP with its own means if more requests are received ”. During the meeting, the list of Comprehensive Institutes in which the exams will take place was agreed. The selection criteria, shared with the regional office of the school, refer to the schools with the highest number of students, the distribution of the school population in the eight districts and the districts where the conditions of social and economic difficulty are greater.

The program and the schools involved


• Instituto Di Vittorio Integral
• Instituto Integral Scelsa
• Pirandello Institute
• Giovanni XXIII Integral Institute of Terrasini
• Drive In (10-16) in Cefalù for the district schools, in the parking area of ​​the “Marzio Tricoli” sports center, Northern Sicilian Road.


• Abba Alighieri Integral Institute
• Silvio Boccone Integral Institute
• Vittorio Emanuele III Institute
• Karol Wojtyla Institute
• Giovanni Meli de Cinisi High School
• Drive In (10-16) in Cefalù for district schools, in the parking area of ​​the Palazzetto dello Sport “Marzio Tricoli”, Northern Sicilian Road.


• Mattarella-Bonagia Institute
• Renato Guttuso de Carini School
• Drive In (10-16) in Cefalù for district schools, in the parking area of ​​the Palazzetto dello Sport “Marzio Tricoli”, Northern Sicilian Road.


• Drive In (10-16) in Cefalù for district schools, in the parking area of ​​the Palazzetto dello Sport “Marzio Tricoli”, Northern Sicilian Road.

Next week’s program with the schools of the province


• Montegrappa / Sanzio Institute
• IC Alessandra Siragusa
• Maneri Ingrassia Institute
• Borgese Institute


• Rita Levi Montalcino Institute
• Scinà Costa Institute
• Giuliana Saladino Institute
• Leonardo Sciascia Institute


• Setti Carraro Audit Institute
• Instituto Amari Roncalli Ferrara
• Instituto Sferracavallo Onorato
• Alberigo Gentile Institute


• Juan XXIII Institute
• Falcone Institute
• Antonio Ugo Institute
• Istiututo Florio / SanLorenzo


• Instituto Integral Politeama
• Instituto Integral Manzoni Impastato
• Instituto Integral Cruillas

Every Friday the program of interventions of the Usca Scuola in the local Institutes will be communicated by ASP
