Now even private labs will be able to determine the Covid recovery. Yesterday the Region was given the green light, after the complaint by “Repubblica”: it will no longer be mandatory to contact the ASL to make the second swab, after the first positive, and thus verify the negativity, putting it in quarantine. At the base of the decision, the too long times of public health companies forcing Covid patients to stay home waiting for the negative swab.
Since October 7, the Region has been open to private laboratories, until now only for positive texts about Covid. A waltz of prices. Molecular swabs according to centers from 50 to 80 euros. Despite the indication of 62 euros for the Palazzo Santa Lucia. “Speculation must be stigmatized – Gennaro Lamberti from Federlab admits – Up to 70 euros, the price is not exactly cheap but it fits. Above that amount, no, however there are people who have also spent 100 euros doing it at home: 80 euros for the cost of the test and 20 euros for the home service.
Then there are the laboratories that with large volumes can offer a lower price of 62 euros. “In Casalnuovo, Ames asks for 50 euros. In Naples, at the Clinical Center in via Bakunin, 55 euros are enough. At the Polidiagnostic Center of Corso San Giovanni you have to pay 65 euros. At the Varelli institute 70 euros, the same amount at the Kappa laboratory in Pomigliano d’Arco. On the Via Appia at the Santa Maria Diagnostic Center it rises to 80 euros, although for now the swabs are finished and we resumed on November 4. And it turns out that some laboratories such as the Medi center in Castellammare di Stabia or Naples, the National Medical Center and the Pagan only offer antigenic buffers, not molecular. Price between 30 and 35 euros. But for the Governor De Luca, weren’t they unreliable?
“They are not the rapid tests that you find in the pharmacy – they explain from the National Medical Center in via Ferrara – These are certified, they have been there for a couple of days …”. Lamberti denounces: “There are also false nurses in the houses with the names of invented laboratories that are going to make swabs, take the money and disappear. Let’s clarify one thing: in the last hours the Region has set a maximum price of 42 euros for the laboratories that have contracts with local health authorities for large stocks of analysis. Not for citizens who turn to individuals. ” Relying on the market was the last bulwark to fall with the recent surge in infections. Because there are not enough machines in public facilities to test with swabs. Even if there has been talk of a pandemic since March. The director of the public laboratory sends an “urgent” request to ASL Napoli 1 on September 29: “I can only do 500 swabs a day, but today there are orders for 1000 swabs.” What to do? The fast race is ready, wins Ames, the laboratory involved in the investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office on its relations with the Zooprophylactic institute and in a lightning race in April. And so on October 15, ASL 1 is based on Ames, 2.9 million for 4 months of analysis. For the market survey, ASL received the go-ahead from Soresa. It is the regional purchasing center that was supposed to buy the tampon machinery that would be distributed in the ASL, but it only moved in September: a 10 million tender awarded in early October. Was it possible that from March to September the purchase of instruments for the analysis of swabs in public laboratories was not planned at the regional level? “The tender was prohibited when we received the authorization, then the need arose,” they explain from Soresa. Never mind that we were already in chaos, with empty lines and phone calls for a test.